mim - affectedly modest, demure, primly silent or quiet + mum - refusal to speak, silence + to play mum - to be silent.

lokman = lockman - In Scotland: A public executioner, hangman (obs.); In the Isle of Man: The coroner's summoner; lockyer (a locksmith) + Lokman (Luqman), whose name is the title of Sura 31 of the Koran. He remonstrated with his son for not being respectful to his parents. 

grossery = grocery - the trade of a grocer (a wholesale dealer or merchant)

baseness - reprehensible cowardice or selfishness, contemptible meanness + business

remonstrance - a formal statement of grievances or similar matters of public importance, esp. the Grand Remonstrance presented by the House of Commons to the Crown in 1641, giving account of royal mismanagement and recommending radical reforms.

chinchin - a phrase of salutation; Also used as a drinking toast + chin (Slang) - to converse + Cincinnatus [030.13] → Horatius nominated Cincinnatus for a dictatorial term (also known as Magister Populi or "Master of the People") of six months. A group of senators was sent to tell Cincinnatus that he had been nominated dictator. According to Livy, the senators found Cincinnatus while he was plowing on his farm. Cincinnatus cried out "Is everything all right?" They said to Cincinnatus that they hoped "it might turn out well for both him and his country," and then they asked him to put on his senatorial toga and hear the mandate of the senate... After this battle, the war ended and Cincinnatus disbanded his army. He then resigned his dictatorship and returned to his farm, a mere sixteen days after he had been nominated dictator.

Hague, Netherlands

panse - a thought

pink - tinkling or pinging noise + "Stop, please stop..."

(onomat.) + Punkt (ger) - full stop + FSTD: Pink, pleas pink, how two pleas pink, (with to have speak finish) how too pleas pink. (Joyce ended his draft here (FW 367), but he appended to the bottom of it drafts of the descriptive passages from FW 339 (Dialogue 7) and FW 350 (Dialogue 31). Both of these were later added to the first typescript of "Butt and Taff.") (David Hayman: Joyce, James / A first-draft version of Finnegans wake).

Tutankhamen - king of Egypt (reigned 1333-23 BC), known chiefly for his intact tomb discovered in 1922. During his reign, powerful advisers restored the traditional religion and art style after the death of Akhenaton, who had led the "Amarna revolution" + tutty - irritable, testy, peevish + comyn - obs. pa. tense of come.

Tulach Beag (tulokg beg) (geal) - Little Hill; anglic. Tullybeg + Kallikak - American family of supposely-hereditary degenerates [.18] [033.24] + (notebook 1924): 'P looks about him to remember & recall place & tongue after 40 years'.

Dun Laoghaire (dun lire) (geal) - Laoghaire's ("calf-keeper") Fort; town and harbor directly S.E. of Dublin + dan - title for deities or poets (arhaic.)

thee (Dutch) - tea + Lyons Corner House for tea (lion: Mark's beast).

gie - give + FSTD:  — Look about you, Tutty Comyn! / — Remember and recall, Killykeg! / — When visiting Dan Leary try the corner house for thee. /  — I'll gie ye credit for sixmence more if ye'll be lymphing our four avunculusts.

lymph - pure water; water in general + listening

avunculus (l) - maternal uncle + four evangelists (*X*)

Three Sorrows of Storytelling - three tragic tales from Irish mythology: the Fate of the Sons of Tuirenn, The Children of Lir and Deirdre of the Sorrows (also known as The Exile of the Sons of Usnech) + FSTD: And, since threeslory threeseslory sorratelling was much too many, they maddened and they morgued and they lunged lungd and they jowld. Till the Juke done it.

madden - to become mad + Matthew

morgue - a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation + Mark

jowl - to talk noisily or angrily + John

synoptic - Applied distinctively to the first three Gospels (viz. of Matthew, Mark, and Luke) as giving an account of the events from the same point of view or under the same general aspect + John 1:1: 'In the beginning was the Word'.

Juke - American family of supposedly-hereditary degenerates [.11] [033.24] + Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 19: 'The duke done it'.

Deucalion - the classical Noah + Napoleon.

seagoer - sailor

ferryboat - a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule + Perry, Matthew Galbraith (1794-1858) - American naval officer who made the treaty that opened Japan to the West + Deucalion and Pyrrha - the only two survivors of the Flood in Greek mythology. 

aside + FSTD: Down / Like Jukoleon [, the seagoer,] when he bore down [in] his in the pyrryboat he had raised a slide

ship - to send or transport by ship

seize - to take possession

pullet - a young (domestic) fowl, between the ages of chicken and mature fowl

prime - to prune or trim (trees)

fionn (Irish) - fair + fionn-linn (Irish) - clear pool.

dubh (Irish) - dark + dark/fair (motif).


fare - to journey, travel, make one's way; go + fahre vor vorn (ger) - drive on, pass ahead.

vorn (ger) - ahead + William Shakespeare: King Lear III.4.174: 'Fie, foh, and fum'.

residence - fig. The (or a) seat of power, liberty, etc.

delusion - anything that deceives the mind with a false impression, a deception + Deluge + FSTD: and shipped his orders and seized his pullets and primed their plumages, the fionnling and dubhlet, the dun and the fire, and, sending them one by other to fare fore fourth forth he had - beheld the residmance of a delugion:

foggy - Of air, mist, cloud, etc.: Thick, murky; fig. Obscure, dull.

doze - a fit of dozing, a short slumber + The Foggy Dew (song).

Johnnie Walker whiskey slogan: 'Still going strong'

thalassocrat - one who has the mastery of the sea (Ulysses.1.574: 'the seas' ruler').

empires + emporos (gr) - trader, traveller.

masker - a person who wears a mask + master

(four directions)

several - to divide or break up into separate parts or branches

dimensions + FSTD: the foggy doze still going strong, the old thalossocrats, maskers of the waterworld, facing one way to another way and this way and on that way and the voids bubbily vode's dodos over across the which the boomomouths from their dupest dupes were in envery and anononously blowing great.

lightning + Every cloud has a silver lining (proverb) - Every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it.

nimbus - Meteorol. A rain-cloud.

coold = cold (obs.) + coo/caw (dove/raven).

bride - a woman at her marriage, a woman just about to be married or very recently married + bréid (Irish) - kerchief.

languid - inert from fatigue or weakness; wanting in vigour or vitality

bound - domain

soly = solely (obs.) + so (Serbian) - salt → soliti (Serbian) - to add salt to + solid.

atone - to reconcile or restore to friendly relations; fig. To bring into artistic or logical harmony + atom + a-tombed.

attain - to reach or accomplish, by continued effort + atáim (Irish) - I am. 

appoint - agreement, settlement (obs.) + 4-stage Viconian cycle: thunder, marriage, burial, ricorso.

wring - to entwine or twist together, to wreathe; to move sinuously, to writhe + worlds

worlds + Ringling Bros - American circus. 

incomputable - that cannot be computed or reckoned; incalculable

incommutable - unchangeable, immutable

prophetess - a woman who prophesies, a female prophet

beheast - obs. form of behest (a vow, promise; Very common in the phr. land of behest: land of promise (obs.)) + beasts

calif - the title given in Muslim countries to the chief civil and religious ruler, as successor of Muhammad

eyrie - the nest of any bird of prey; especially, in modern usage, of an eagle + symbols of the Evangelists: angel (Matthew), lion (Mark), calf (Luke), eagle (John) + Earwicker.

voda (Russian, Serbian) - water

Behemoth (Job 40:15) - probably the hippopotamus

dupe - a person who allows himself to be deceived or deluded + deepest

deep - the deep part of the sea, or of a lake or river (opposed to shallow); deep water + dupe (Serbian) - arse.

anon - now again, presently again; here again + anemos (gr) - wind + anonymously + FSTD: and the voids bubbily vode's dodos over across the which the boomomouths from their dupest dupes were in envery and anononously blowing great.