ope - to open + Genesis 8:6: 'Noah opened the window of the ark'.

skylight + SDV: [(when I ope my little window and I see coocoo)]

coo - the sound uttered by doves and pigeons; a sound resembling this + I Lift up My Finger and I Say Tweet Tweet (song). 

notion - opinion, whim, fancy ("a sudden notion to go home") + SDV: have a motion quite involuptary

involuntary + voluptuary - of, or pertaining to, sensuous or luxurious pleasures.

cadge - to go about begging + catching

snapshot - a quick or hurried shot taken without deliberate aim, esp. one at a rising bird or quickly moving animal

memorandum - a note to help the memory; by extension, a record of events, or of observations made on a particular subject, esp. when intended for the writer's future consideration or use + murmurandum (l) - (something) to be murmured.

distend - to stretch out any hollow thing, so as to enlarge its surface and capacity + distant

relation - pl. The aggregate of the connexions, or modes of connexion, by which one person is brought into touch with another or with society in general.

facsimile - an exact copy or likeness; an exact counterpart or representation

dugout - a rough kind of dwelling formed by an excavation in the ground (usually in a slope or bank), roofed with turf, canvas, etc.; a person of out-dated appearance or ideas; spec. a superannuated officer, etc., recalled for temporary military service (slang.)

earthwork - the action or process of excavating the bed of a canal, line of a railway, or other civil engineering work + SDV: of that I am cadging hapsnots of distant distend renations and facsimilar phases dugouts in the behindscenes of our earthwork,

ravishing shadow and lovely line - the raven and the dove, as well as comments on Beardsley's drawing (Hart, Clive / Structure and motif in Finnegans wake)

spatial - having extension in space, occupying or taking up space + special


with regard to - in respect of, with respect or reference to

concrete - existing in a material form or as an actual reality, or pertaining to that which so exists (opposed to abstract)

belittle - to diminish in size, make small; to depreciate, decry the importance of + SDV: in spite of I having belittled myself to my name of insectarian,

insectarian - one who feeds on insects + (name 'Earwicker' was a gift associated with earwig insects) [031.28]

burgage - a freehold property in a borough; also, a house or other property held by burgage tenure

abeyance - a state of suspension, temporary non-existence or inactivity; dormant or latent condition liable to be at any time revived; Law. Expectation or contemplation of law.

happy go lucky - Of persons or their actions: Taking things as they happen to come; easy-going + Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas (l) - Citizens' Obedience is City's Happiness + SDV: happy burgesses abeyance would make hometown homesweettown hapey goalucry, my mottu proppior, [or I came, I coined, I chaffered.]

motu proprio - of one's own volition, on one's own initiative, spontaneously, 'of my own accord' (document issued by pope, without cardinals' advice)

God's truth - the absolute truth

coin - to make, devise, produce; esp. in a bad or depreciatory sense: To fabricate, invent, make up (something specious, pretentious, or counterfeit); spec. To frame or invent (a new word or phrase).

pelage - a general and collective term for the fur, hair, wool, or similar covering of a quadruped; pillage (obs.) + pleased + Pelagius - heretic, perhaps Irish; believed in free will [358.36-359.20]

gladden - to make glad, to render joyous or bright


hindmost - furthest behind or in the rear


battery + SDV: I am wholly pelaged to see by their loudest reports from my battery bottery parts (hush shsh) that [cad's truck,] when I have regrouped myselves after my contractual expanditure, I, I am, I am big altooogooder.

sh - An exclamation used to enjoin silence or noiselessness.

colombophile - a pigeon-fancier (one who keeps and breeds fancy pigeons)

corvinus (l) - raven

remass - to mass together again + se ramasser (fr) - to collect oneself.

Magellanic clouds - two large globular cloudy spots formed of vast numbers of nebulæ and clusters of stars, visible in the southern hemisphere

contractual - of the nature of a contract; pertaining or relating to a contract

expenditure - the action or practice of laying out, paying away, or spending (money); the expending or laying out (of energy, labour, time): often with notion of waste

Merlin - the name of the soothsayer of the Arthurian legend + Prophecies of Merlin, by Geoffrey of Monmouth.

good grief! - an exclamation indicating surprise, alarm, etc.

altogether - a whole, a tout ensemble + do-gooder + (erection).

beach - to run or haul (a vessel) up on the beach + break the back of - fig. To overburden, crush, to finish the hardest part of (a task) + (reached the end) + {the customers rise against him - accusing him of heresy}

harbourmaster - an officer who has charge of a harbour, and of the mooring of ships, etc. + harper - one who harps or plays upon a harp + in Henrik Ibsen's "The Master Builder", Hilda says upon Solness's fall to his death that she heard harps in the air + Tristan was master of harping. 

conservancy - a commission or court having jurisdiction over a port or river, to regulate the fisheries, navigation, etc.

meiseamhnacht (Irish) - judgement + Meschia and Meschiane - the first man and woman in Persian mythology + Messiah.

Perse (fr) - Persia + Persse O'Reilly + royal.

withal - along with the rest, in addition; with + with all aboard (ship).

aboard - on board, within the boards (of a ship) + biradar (Persian) - brother.

padar (Persian) - father.

madar - East Indian name for shrubs of the genus Calotropis, the root-bark of which yields a valuable diaphoretic medicine and the inner bark of the stem a strong silky fibre known as yercum + madar (Persian) - mother.

hal (gr) - salt

sal (l) - salt

sons + Genesis 6:2: 'the sons of God saw the daughters of men'.

daughters + dukhtar (Persian) - daughter.

a mhic (Irish) - my boy, my son + hic haec hoc (l) - this (masc., fem., neut.)

maktab (Persian) - school + 'Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub' (nursery rhyme).

with + British Grenadiers (song): 'with a tow row tow'.

tou - a hemispherical pedestalled bowl with a lid of similar shape, used as a container for food + two

loulou - a nickname for a Pomeranian dog + Lulu + *IJ* and *VYC*

A griffin (spelled "gryphon") is featured in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in which the Queen of Hearts orders the gryphon to take Alice to see the Mock Turtle and hear its story. 

BASLE (BASEL, BALE) - Swiss canton and city on both sides of Rhine River, where in an annual ceremony 2 legendary figures, 'der wilde Mann' and the bird 'Vogel Gryff' arrive on a float on the Rhine.  

washed up - finished; without prospect of further success or competence; no longer on intimate terms; exhausted, 'washed out'

whight = wight; white

laud - praise, high commendation

superstition that to touch a hunchback's hump brings luck

bejesus - an alteration of the oath by Jesus

Jonah - Hebrew prophet, the subject of the Book of Jonah (as bringer of ill-luck: he disobeyed god's command and caused storm to sunk his ship; also, reluctant to preach to his fellow Jews, he was three days in a whale's belly).

winx - to bray as an ass + waxed and waned.

Bailey light on Howth

vokse op (Danish) - grow up + woke up.


pulpit + VI.C.12.155h-i (r) (notebook 1924): 'shiffed with Scotch porridge pultibus preparation peronne' === VI.B.14.151g (notebook 1924): 'stuffed with Scotch porridge pultibus pregravatus Jerome' The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Pelagius and Pelagianism': (of Pelagius) 'Jerome... ridicules him as a "Scot"... who being "stuffed with Scottish porridge" (Scotorum pultibus prægravatus) suffers from a weak memory... the "Scots" of those days were really the Irish'.

pre- - before, in front + aggravated - exasperated, incensed, irritated, provoked.

backscratching - the performance of mutual services; always with the suggestion of doubt as to the legitimacy of the transactions + basketchair + Low-Church - a party of the Church of England giving a low place to the priesthood and the sacraments (i.e. Protestant-like).

nine and thirty (thirty-nine articles of Church of England) + authority.

heroun = heron (the name of a large natural group of long-necked long-legged wading birds, belonging to the genus Ardea) + heroes + Harun al-Rashid - Caliph of Baghdad in 'The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night'.

orthodox + Artus dux (l) - Duke Art, original of king Arthur + ducks.

dragon - a fierce violent person + Drachen (ger) - dragon + drakes.

whoa - a word of command to a horse or other draught-animal to stop or stand still + alike - in like manner, in the same manner, in the same way.

pleased + SDV: From whose plutlibust preaggravated, they were whoalike placed to say 1) he hade to die it

decuman - Rom. Antiq. Belonging to the tenth cohort: applied to the chief entrance to a camp, or that farthest from the enemy; very large, immense: usually of waves (As to the vulgar notion that the tenth or decuman wave, fluctus decumanus, is greater and more dangerous than any other).

number + The customers next adduce a formal denuciation based on six charges brought against heretic Pelagius. It is titled Document No. 1, the name De Valera's followers gave the Irish Treaty in contrast to his proposed alternative, Document No. 2 (McHugh, Roland / The sigla of Finnegans wake).

bears and bulls - speculators on, respectively, falls and rises in Stock Exchange prices

acknowledgment - a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

lead off - to 'open', take the first steps in (a dance, a ball); hence gen. to begin, make a beginning in; to open (a conversation or discussion)

cara (l) - dear, precious + a chara (a khore) (gael) - friend, my friend + O'Hara.


geminus (l) - twin + genua (l) - the knees.

a ghradh (a gra) (gael) - love, my love

disassemble - to take to pieces, to take apart

slammock - slut + slamach (Irish) - loose handful.

maypole - a high pole, painted with spiral stripes of different colours and decked with flowers, set up on a green or other open space, for the merrymakers to dance round on May-day.

druggery - drugs collectively; medicine, physic + Drogerie (ger) - drug store + drogue (fr. slang) - whore.

in attendance - waiting upon, attending

frons - forehead (rarely used techn., e.g. in Entomology)

fesses (fr) - buttocks

frithstool - a seat, usually of stone, formerly placed near the altar in some churches, which afforded inviolable protection to those who sought privilege of sanctuary

The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Pelagius and Pelagianism': 'the deacon Paulinus of Milan... submitted to the bishop, Aurelius, a memorial in which six theses of Cælestius... were branded as heretical... 1. Even if Adam had not sinned he would have died' + REFERENCE

beetle - fig. An intellectually blind person.

The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Pelagius and Pelagianism': '2. Adam's sin harmed only himself, not the human race' [VI.C.12.157c (b) (notebook 1924): '1) Adam had to die 2) Hurt se only 3) Child's soul on 1st Adam's 4) All men neither damned by Adam nor saved by † 5) Prechristian saints 6) Bible & gospel' ===VI.B.14.152h-.153a (notebook 1924): '1) Adam had to die 2) Hurt se only 3) Child's soul as 1st Adam's 4) All men neither damned by Adam nor saved by † 5) Prechristian saints 6) Bible = gospel'].