iota - the least, or a very small, particle or quantity; an atom (mostly with negative expressed or implied)

faust - happy, lucky + first + Faust or Faustus - 16th-century magician who sold his soul to the devil, subject of works by Marlowe and Goethe.

redoubted - feared or dreaded; reverenced, respected; noted, distinguished

overthrow - defeat, discomfiture; deposition from power; destruction, ruin + ever true + FSTD: [And that is most almost redoubtably true] of more than one none and ilkerman of us.

Battle of Inkerman (Crimean War) + ilka (Scottish) - every.

gow - a drug; spec. opium + God + gow (Cornish) - falsehood, lie.

coffeepot - a covered pot with a spout, in which coffee is made or brought on the table + Kopf (ger) - head + coffin + SDV: [I persuade myself [plain] gentlemen,] so true as this is my kopferpot kopfertopf on [the col of] these is my boardsoldered.


solicit - to incite, draw on, allure, by some specious representation or argument + SDV: He It sollecited,

grubble - to grope + grovelling humbly.

roundhouse - a lock-up, a place of detention for arrested persons

seven orifices (of the head)

mummer - one who mutters or murmurs (obs.)

God knows

free of charge - given or provided without payment, costless, gratuitous + Deo Gratias (l) - thanks to God.

scamp - a good-for-nothing, worthless person; a rascal + stamps

included + FSTD: He sollecited of all, advice for, free of graces, scamps encloded.

steady - to keep from rocking, shaking, tottering, or similar movement; to settle (one's mind, thoughts, etc.) + studied

Jura - Jurassic rocks or strata, the Jurassic system + iuris (l) - law + jura (Danish) - law + (Faust studied law).

Mississippi river + Messa (Italian) - Mass + read metaphysics.

best man - the groomsman or 'friend of the bridegroom' at a wedding

bachelor + botch (Slang) - tailor + SDV: or bestman botchelor botcheler of on yourself,

selve - (to cause) to become and act as a unique self + solve our thesis + SDV: competitioning them how comes ever abody [in our taylorised world] to selve out thishis,

whither - to (or in) any place to which; to whatever place + whether

primum mobile - the supposed outermost sphere (at first reckoned the ninth, later the tenth), added in the Middle Ages to the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, and supposed to revolve round the earth from east to west in twenty-four hours, carrying with it the (eight or nine) contained spheres; a prime source of motion or action, an original cause or spring of activity, a prime mover + Praemium Nobelium - Nobel Prize.

noto (l) - to mark, to summarize, to note + anatomies.

naught - not + SDV: whither it gives a primeum nobile or nought, the farst wriggle from the ubivence

first + far (Danish) - father.

wriggle - a quick writhing movement or flexion of the body, etc. + riddle

universe + ubi (l )- where, whereabouts; present place or location + ubivis (l) - anywhere.

whereon + om (Rumanian) - man + waarom (Dutch) - why.

offender - one who offends, who transgresses a law, or infringes a rule or regulation + "our old offender was humile, commune and ensectuous" [029.30]

nother - neither of two persons or things; neither + Other.

while + weil (ger) - because.

asam (Irish) - out of me, from me + Same.

for example + SDV: And full exampling.

pint - a vessel containing a pint, a pint-pot; point

byspel - a parable; a proverb + spill - a downpouring or dropping of liquid; a quantity spilled + Beispiele (ger) - examples.

success + six secs + six points to prove him heretic [358.36-359.20] + SDV: [And six sicsecs to provim hurtig.] Soup's on.

hurtig (ger) - quick, nimble + hartig (Dutch) - salty, savoury + (notebook 1924): 'give you 2 months to prove him a heretic' The Catholic Encyclopedia 'Pelagius and Pelagianism': 'As to Cælestius, who was then in Rome, the pope charged the Africans either to revise their former sentence or to convict him of heresy in his own (the pope's) presence within two months'.

soupçon (fr) - suspicion; a dash, a touch

fine + {he tells of a book he has read - a fortnight ago in the lavatory}

when I was a kid

Turks + tariki (Persian) - dark.

Sevastopol + sowens - a kind of porridge made from bran (traditional Irish dish eaten on All Hallow eve) + supper.


fishfry - a picnic where fish is fried and eaten; young fishes just produced from the spawn + frisch (ger) - fresh + frei (ger) - free.

kettledrum - a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it + bread with sweet meat in the kettledrum + candled room.

suppress - to keep secret; to refrain from disclosing or divulging + (notebook 1924): 'I have been reading it written by you' → Kinane: St. Patrick 14: (quoting a letter of approbation from the Coadjutor Bishop of Dromore) 'I thank you for the "Life of St. Patrick," written by you, of which you have sent me a copy. I have been reading it with pleasure and profit'.

notwithstanding - in spite of something

by measure - as determined by measuring (in contradistinction to weighing or counting) + Messrs John Long Ltd refused Joyce's 'Dubliners'.

letterpress - the text of a piece of printing, distinguished from illustrations, etc.

eminently - to a great degree + VI.C.12.037b (b) (notebook 1924): 'the letterpress is eminently legible, the paper fixed...' === VI.B.14.049f (notebook 1924): 'the letterpress is eminently legible, the paper exel' Kinane: St. Patrick vii: (preface by the Archbishop of Cashel) 'The letterpress is good, the paper excellent'.

negligible - capable of being neglected or disregarded ("within very negligible limits of error") + SDV: [and whilst] the letterpress is eminently legible and the paper fixed upon so eagerly seized upon could has scarcely be been buttered

eagerly seized on (notebook 1924) → Kinane: St. Patrick 4: (quoting a letter of approbation from John MacEvilly) 'Your preceding works were eagerly seized on by a discerning Public'.

butter - to flatter lavishly, to bedaub with fulsome praise or compliment + better - to make better, to improve [VI.C.12.037b (b) (notebook 1924): '...cld scarcely be better' === VI.B.14.049g ( ) (notebook 1924): 'cd scarcely be bettered']. 

publicity - public notice; the action or fact of making someone or something publicly known; material issued to publicize + VI.C.12.038e (b) (notebook 1924): 'works of previous publicity' === VI.B.14.050e ( ) (notebook 1924): 'worthy of previous publicts' Kinane: St. Patrick 2: (quoting a letter of approbation from Michael Logue) 'worthy of the previous publications'.


notice - heed, attention, one's cognizance or observation + lit. Notfall (ger) - emergency case.

"I wil turne aside now, and see this great sight", "the Baron turned not aside from his argument".

pasteurisation - partial sterilization of foods at a temperature that destroys harmful microorganisms without major changes in the chemistry of the food + Pasteur, Louis (1822-95) - French chemist + uro (l) - I burn.  

packen (ger) - to pack + Packpapier (ger) - wrapping paper.

sacred book, writing, etc. - one of those in which the laws and teachings of a religion are embodied

scriptured - warranted by Holy Scripture; covered with writing

strap - to work closely and energetically (at a task), to buckle to one's work (slang.)

scrap - to scratch in the earth; as a dog or other animal having that propensity


enough however, I have seen of it (notebook 1924) → Kinane: St. Patrick 13: (quoting a letter of approbation from Patrick O'Donnell) 'Enough, however, have I seen of it'.

bedst (Danish) - best

augur - to prognosticate from signs or omens; to have good or bad anticipations or expectations of, for + (notebook 1924): 'I augur' Kinane: St. Patrick 5: (quoting a letter of approbation from the Archbishop of Glasgow) 'For your book I wish, and augur, a large circulation'.

hurry - commotion or agitation, physical, social, or political (obs.); excited, hasty, or impetuous motion, rush (obs.) + (notebook 1924): 'in the hurry of the times' Kinane: St. Patrick 13: (quoting a letter of approbation from Patrick O'Donnell) 'In the hurry of the times I could read but little of your beautiful work'.

commend - to present as worthy of favourable acceptance, consideration, attention, or notice + (notebook 1924): 'command the wildest widest circulation' Kinane: St. Patrick 14: (quoting a letter of approbation from Patrick Duggan) 'I hope - indeed, I feel certain - it will command a wide circulation amongst the Irish Catholic race'.

coextensive - extending over the same space or time + (notebook 1924): 'reputation coextensive with its merits' Kinane: St. Patrick 9: (quoting a letter of approbation from John MacCarthy) 'heartily praying for it a circulation coextensive with its merits'.

merit - a commendable quality, an excellence + SDV: in works of previous publicity, enough, however, have I read of it [as it so blends] to augur in the hurry of the time that it will commend the widest circulation and a reputation coextensive with its merits when inthrusted into safe & pious hands upon so edifying a mission as it, I can see]

inthrust - to thrust in, to intrude + entrust - to confide the care or disposal of (a thing or person), the execution of (a task) to a person. 

edifying - tending to produce moral and spiritual improvementl + Kinane: St. Patrick 12: (quoting a letter of approbation from the Bishop of Ross) 'The care, the learning... tell once again of the safe and pious hands into which have been entrusted such a mission, such virtues, and such results as you, with such patience and devotedness, so edifyingly and loving record' [VI.C.12.041a-c (b) (notebook 1924): 'if the safe & pious hands into which have been intrusted such a mission Such witness & such results are yours With such patience & Such devotedness So edifyingly & long record' === VI.B.14.052e (notebook 1924): 'of the safe and pious hands into which have been intrusted such a mission Such virtues & such results as you with such patience & such devotedness So edifyingly & loving record'].

It is, I can see, (notebook 1924) → Kinane: St. Patrick 2: (quoting a letter of approbation from the Archbishop of Dublin) 'It is, I can see, well worthy of taking rank with those other admirable volumes'.

embellished - beautified, adorned, illustrated

expurgate - to purify or amend (a book, etc.) by removing what is thought objectionable

plate - a full page representation often on special paper + FSTD: I have just, let us praise, been reading in a (surpressed surprissed) book with illustrative expurgative plates accompanying the action passin [to with my wormest venerection before the wordcraft of this early woodcutter, Mr. Aubey Birdsly,] and whilst I have been turning over the leaves etceteras [loose looves of] leafless leaflefts casuallty on the lamatory ofter, as [far as] I can recollect some farnights ago, when I, if you will excuse for me this leading down of inexpressibles, am entrenched upon contemplating of myself for relieving purposes in our [trurally] virvir vergitable (garden) I sometimes maybe,  [[[enlivened by the natural sins before me,] a wake or so more hence] with some shock, shell I so render it, have a motion [quiet involuptary] that] I am cadging hapsnots of distant renations in my behind scenes dugouts [and facsimilar phases] at no spacial time of our earthwork processly as this is about where in fact I am [wholly] pleased to see from this loudest report [[of my battery parts] I am] I'm big altogether.

replete - abundantly supplied or provided with, fully imbued or invested with some quality or property + Joyce's note: 'replete with informations' Kinane: St. Patrick 15: (quoting a letter of approbation from the Coadjutor Bishop of Dromore) 'orderly and replete with information'.

accompanying - acting as a companion, going along with

The Categories are: substance, quantity, relation, quality, place, time, position, habit, action, passion (Whewell Hist. Induct. Sc. (1857) I. 209) + SDV: ambullished with expurgative plates replete with in information and accampaigning the action passim with my wormest venerection,

slapbang - with, or as with, a slap and a bang; without delay, immediately

whizz - a sibilant sound somewhat less shrill than a hiss, and having a trace of musical tone like a buzz; a swift movement producing such a sound + crash - the loud and sudden sound as of a hard body or number of bodies broken by violent percussion, as by being dashed to the ground or against each other.

first to last

veneration - a feeling of deep respect and reverence directed towards some person or thing + erections.

timmersome = timorsome - subject to or characterized by fear, timorous, timid; inspiring fear, fearful, dreadful (rare.)

townside - the land close beside a town + SDV: [of a townside upthecountrylifer [who can buttomly descrybe his city capital of miserable [& mudholy almost] ills, a city of streets without houses.]]

country life - life in the country following rural pursuits


overwhelm - to overcome or overpower as regards one's action or circumstances

back seat - an inferior seat; hence colloq., a position of inferiority or comparative obscurity + Black Sea.

wordcraft - the art of using words, oratorical or literary skill

woodcutter - one who cuts wood; a maker of woodcuts, a wood-engraver

vignette - a brief verbal description of a person, place, etc.; a short descriptive or evocative episode in a play, etc. + Venetians.