dom (Russian) - house, family

chambers + dumdum bullets.

upstairs + what are all the bulbs up in the air?

shadow + shot + shut (the door) + vrata (Serbian) - door.

mo mhic (muvik) (gael) - my son + movie.

alast - in the last place, at last + a last.

stark (ger) - strong

Daniell('s) battery or cell - a cell in which the cathode is zinc in either dilute sulphuric acid or a solution of zinc sulphate and the anode is copper in a saturated solution of copper sulphate, with the zinc sulphate solution either floating on top of the copper sulphate solution or separated from it by a porous plate + (O'Connell's Ale, Dublin).

deoch an dorais (d'ukh un durish) (gael) - "drink of the door": parting drink + dooch (Russian) - ghost + durak (Russian) - idiot.

Genesis 4:13: 'My transgression is greater than pardon' (Cain)

diminute - to lessen, to belittle + innuendo - an indirect (and usually malicious) implication + diminuendo - decrescendo, a gradual decrease in loudness.

vility - vileness of character or conduct, moral degradation or baseness + Ecclesiastes 1:2: 'vanity of vanities'.

sureenough - genuine, real

Finn MacCool

desport = disport - diversion from serious duties; relaxation, recreation + The Soldier's Song: 'the despot or the slave' + {Butt and Taff merge into one - the dialogue of Butt and Taff ends}

wage slave - one whose toil for wages is tantamount to slavery

foeman - an enemy in war, an adversary + foreman + The Three Coloured Ribbon (song): 'In the streets of City the foeman is falling And wee birds are singing "Old Ireland, arise"'.

feod = feud (obs.)

unshackled - unrestricted, unimpeded, unhampered, free

uphold - to raise or lift up, to direct upwards + Bishop O'Dwyer and Maxwell (song): 'O'Dwyer upheld the right'.

The Brave Volunteers (song): 'for a wee while'.

baffle - to defeat anyone in his efforts; to frustrate or confound his plans, to foil

totter - spec. To swing from the gallows, to be hanged (obs.)

umbrage - to shade or shadow; also fig., to overshadow, put in the shade

Ursia (l) - Bear-land + Russia's + Eire's.

Magus - Hist. A member of the ancient Persian priestly caste, said by ancient historians to have been originally a Median tribe. Hence, one skilled in Oriental magic and astrology, an ancient magician or sorcerer; Applied by Irish historians to the heathen sorcerers who opposed St. Patrick + magis quam (l) - more than, greater than.

mythical - Of persons or times: Belonging to a period of which the accounts handed down are of the nature of myths; existing only in myth + "The essential difference between the mystical and the magical Paths is nowhere made plainer than in the processes of Kundalini Yoga. The Mystic takes Fire Snake straight up to the Sahasrara Chakra, the 'lotus of the brain'; the Magician, on the other hand, brings it down again to its base in the Muladhara or to the Svadisthana Chakra, its 'own abode'. The former process leads to moksha or liberation from the cycles of time, which comports also liberation from future births and deaths. If he does not then relinquish his physical body, it becomes, except in special cases, inert to all outward appearences. Such mystics remain almost continuously entranced for reminder of their bodily lives. Thus, he becomes jivanmukta or videhamukta, not according to his karma - for he is no longer bound by it - but by his free choice. This is the crown of the Mystical Path. The Magical Path, on the other hand, and at its apogee, leads to the attainment of siddhis, and to their ultimate concentration in the Stone of the Wise, which is 'prepared' at the Muladhara Chakra." (Kenneth Grant: Beyond the Mauve Zone)

mulatto - one who is the offspring of a European and a Black; also used loosely for anyone of mixed race resembling a mulatto + militiaman - a member of a militia force.

own - to call (a thing or person) one's own, to acknowledge as one's own + living-by-owning - the Communist propaganda's name for the capitalist society ethic.

glebe - the soil of the earth, regarded as the source of vegetable products; earth, land + surface of the globe.

sway - prevailing, overpowering, or controlling influence

craven - that owns himself beaten or afraid of his opponent; cowardly, weak-hearted + The Brave Volunteers (song): 'by craven and traitor'.

minnion = minion - one specially favoured or beloved; a dearest friend, a favourite child, servant, or animal.

revile - to subject to contumely or abuse; to assail with opprobrious or abusive language + The Brave Volunteers (song): 'they had cause to revile'.

foul - morally or spiritually polluted; abominable, detestable, wicked + Dublin (song): 'too foul for hell'.

boiling - extremely hot (colloq.) + Ireland to the British Empire (song): 'burning, With boiling lead and brands'.

Mauser, Paul (b. 1838) - German inventor of a repeating gun (used in Easter Rising in Dublin) + Maus (ger) - mouse.

brand - a torch + burning brand = fire brand - a piece of wood kindled at the fire + Exodus 3:2: (of Moses): 'The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed'.

goll - a hand; gull (throat) + Goll (gol) (gael) - Blind; masc. personal name; Goll Mac Morna companion and rival of Fionn Mac Cumhail + Comyn: The Youthful Exploits of Fionn 20: 'Luichet fell by Goll'.

gillie - a gill of liquor; a giddy young woman; young attendant on a Celtic chieftain + giolla (gili) (gael) - lad, servant + Finn MacCool slew Goll of Clan Morna but was killed by Goll's (and other victims') followers.

keen - Of persons: Eager, ardent, fervid; full of, or manifesting, intense desire, interest, excitement, etc. Also, of desire, feeling, etc.: Intense + hearten - to put heart into, give heart to (a person, etc.); to inspire with confidence, embolden, encourage.


hurdy gurdy - Applied popularly to any instrument having a droning sound and played by turning a handle, as the barrel-organ.

Sicilian - of or pertaining to Sicily or its inhabitants; characteristic of Sicily or the Sicilians + Caecilia (l) - saint of music.

concertina - a portable musical instrument consisting of a pair of bellows, usually polygonal in form, with a set of keys at each end, which on being pressed admit wind to free metallic reeds + concerto - a composition for one, or sometimes more, solo instruments accompanied by orchestra + concertone (it) - augmentative of concerto. 

fonn (foun) (gael) - tune; desire; bottom + The Soldier's Song: 'fonn na bhFiann' (Irish: 'soldier's song').

barney - a lark or spree; a noisy dispute or altercation + The Soldier's Song: 'bearna baoghail' (Irish: 'gap of danger').

brawl - a noisy turbulent quarrel, a 'row', a squabble

Morehampton Road, South-East Dublin

take leave - to depart with some expression of farewell, to bid farewell + makes love.

Sheilmartin Avenue, Howth, North-East Dublin

meetinghouse - a (private) house used for a meeting (obs.); a place of worship + Meeting-house Lane, old Dublin +

VERGEMOUNT HALL - Short street, off Clonskeagh Road in South-East Dublin + verge (fr. slang) - penis. 

falter - a faltering or quavering, unsteadiness + father + Falter (ger) - butterfly + Vater (ger) - father + We Shall Rise Again (song): 'without falter'.

mormor = murmur (obs.) + mother + Mormor (ger) - marble + mormor (Danish) - grandmother.


sisterliness - the quality of being sisterly; sisterly affection or sympathy + sophistes (gr) - master of a skill, expert.

pugna (l) - a fistfight + pugna (it) - fight.

Fianna = Fenians + friendship.

dook (U.S. Slang) - hand

Comintern - third Communist International

oukhd (Armenian) - vow + oud (Dutch) - old.

fest (ger) - firm + Fest (ger) - party, holliday + fästman (Swedish) - fiancé + Who Fears to Speak of Easter Week (song): 'great men and straight men'.

Asdouadz (Armenian) - God + asdouacapanoutioun (Armenian) - theology.

palm off - to deceive, to dispose by trickery + (shake hands and leave).

khaghaghout'iun (Armenian) - peace + can-can + concatenation - the act of linking together as in a series or chain, the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc.

world + worm (Archaic) - snake.

gad (Pan-Slavonic) - snake + gad (Serbian) - cad, rascal + when all the world was a garden (Eden).

Anthea - epithet of Aphrodite as goddess of flowers, or Greek anthos

wanderlust - an eager desire or fondness for wandering or travelling + wonderful + Waterloo + 'Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland'.

wag - In proverbial phrases with 'the world' as subject, 'how the world wags': how affairs are going; 'to let the world wag (as it will)': to regard the course of events with unconcern.

samurai - a Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy + Siamese twins - two male natives of Siam, Chang and Eng (1811-1874), who were united by a tubular band in the region of the waist. Hence gen., any pair of twins physically united by their tissues.

mutthering (Irish Pronunciation) - muttering + Ulysses.9.579: 'Murthering Irish'.

ivie = ivy (obs.) + mothering Eves + mother's eyes.

murdhering (Irish Pronunciation) - murdering + Idus Martinae (l) - the Ides of March: March 15, the day Caesar was murdered (44 B.C.)

mouldhering (Irish Pronunciation) - mouldering

ears + iris (gr) (l) - the rainbow + dies irae (l) - day of wrath: Judgement Day.

muscat - any of several cultivated grapevines that produce sweet white grapes

grove - a small wood; a group of trees affording shade or forming avenues or walks, occurring naturally or planted for a special purpose

pennyflower - the plant 'Honesty' (Lunaria biennis), from its flat round pods (obs.) + Pliny the Elder (23-79) - author of the Naturalia Historia. Pliny the Younger, his nephew (61-113), was an orator and letter writer. 

calomel (fr) - beautiful black + Pliny and Columella (Aujourd'hui comme aux... (Quinet)) [281.04-.05] 

bower - a dwelling, habitation, abode. In early use lit. A cottage; in later use a poetical word for 'abode'.

magpie - a common European bird, Pica caudata, of the family Corvidæ, having a long pointed tail and black-and-white plumage

babble - inarticulate or imperfect speech, such as that of infants

tower - to rise or extend to a great height like a tower + TOWER OF BABEL - Gen 11: After the flood, the men who migrated to the east built in the plain of Shinar a city "and a tower with its top in the heavens." But God confused their language; therefore the city was called Babel (babal, Heb "confound"). 

scorch - to heat to such a degree as to shrivel, parch, or dry up, or to char or discolour the surface + screeching

screech - to utter a sharp, piercing cry, as of pain or alarm; to scream or call out with a shrill voice

dove/raven (motif)

loved + lob- (ger) - praise.


troubles + Traube (ger) - grape.


spindle side - the female line of descent

shove out - to force oneself to utter

sword + sourd (French) - deaf.

gull - to make a gull of, to dupe, cheat, befool, 'take in', deceive

gell - to tingle, thrill with intense pain; also, to ache or tingle with cold + girls

flotsam and jetsam - Etymologically 'flotsam' should mean that which is afloat in consequence of a wreck or from the action of the wind or sea itself, 'jetsam' that which has been thrown overboard to save the ship, without reference to whether it floats or sinks.

Tom, Dick, and Hurry - any men taken at random from the common run + carmine, silk, honey (insect products).

me and you

lucifugal - shunning the light + lucifuga (l) - light-fleeing, light-shunning; one who uses night as day + Lucifuge Rofocale - Lucifer in the Grand Grimoire + (game of angels and devils).

deaf as a beetle - Probably used as the type of heavy dullness or stupidity; completely deaf.

ushi (Serbian) - ears

corolla (l) - a garland + corollanus (l) - one who is garlanded + 'Coriolanus' is a 1608 tragedy by William Shakespeare, based on the life of the legendary Roman leader, Gaius Martius Coriolanus. The play opens in Rome shortly after the expulsion of the Tarquin kings. Coriolanus earned his cognomen after taking the Volscian town of Corioli in 493 BC. He compares allowing plebeians to have power over the patricians to allowing "crows to peck the eagles". After being exiled from Rome, Coriolanus seeks out Aufidius (commander of the Volscian army) in the Volscian capital, and tells them that he will lead their army to victory against Rome. Aufidius and his superiors embrace Coriolanus, and allow him to lead a new assault on the city. Rome, in its panic, tries desperately to persuade Coriolanus to halt his crusade for vengeance. Finally, Volumnia is sent to meet with her son, along with Coriolanus' wife and child, and another lady. Volumnia succeeds in dissuading her son from destroying Rome, and Coriolanus instead concludes a peace treaty between the Volscians and the Romans. When Coriolanus returns to the Volscian capital, conspirators, organised by Aufidius, kill him for his betrayal.

makes (one's) mouth water - Referring to the flow of saliva caused by the anticipation of appetizing food; also fig. + more sweeter to me.

wee - to urinate + see

Butt again + (*Y*)

thon = yon - A demonstrative word used in concord with a n. to indicate a thing or person as (literally, or sometimes mentally) pointed out; that.

germinal - embryonic, creative; the seventh month (early-spring, March 21 to April 19) of the French revolutionary calendar + bud, shoot, germ (botanical terms).

bod (Irish) - penis + *V*

Fett (ger) - fat + Taff + chew the fat - to discuss a matter, esp. complainingly; to reiterate an old grievance.


bide - to remain in expectation, to wait; to tolerate, endure, put up with

Butt + tale of a tub - an apocryphal tale; a 'cock and bull' story.