tally ho - to salute or make known the presence of (a fox) by the cry of 'tally-ho' + tells + FSTD: It trumps its old old story to their six of hearts, [the 12-eyed man.]

his majesty + Modjeska, Helena (1844-1909) - Polish actress. 

reign - royal power or rule; kingdom, sovereignty

izba = isba - a Russian hut or log-house + FSTD: Has the modjestky drown reigns before the izba, _________ who has since dyed.

heiss (ger) - hot + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.7: (from a Maori 'haka' (war-chant), chanted by the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team during their 1924-5 tour, whose game in Paris Joyce most probably attended) 'Au... au... aue... ha... hei' ["The All Blacks" are the New Zealand national rugby team, so called because the players' uniform is totally black, apart from a few white embellishments].

by rote - in a mechanical manner, by routine, esp. by the mere exercise of memory without proper understanding of, or reflection upon, the matter in question

grim - Of things, scenes, situations, etc.: Harsh or repellent of aspect, uninviting + Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm - 19th century German brothers, philologists, mythologists, best known for collections of fairy tales. 

hyacinth - a name among the ancients for some flower; according to Ovid a deep red or 'purple' lily (? Lilium Martagon), but variously taken by authors as a gladiolus, iris, or larkspur; Now only Hist. or poetic. In ancient mythology the flower is said to have sprung up from the blood of the slain youth Hyacinthus, and the ancients thought they could decipher on the petals the letters AI, or AIAI, exclamation of grief. Hence many literary allusions.

bugler - one who plays on a bugle; spec. a soldier who conveys orders by signals sounded on a bugle + baker’s dozen - thirteen.

league - a covenant, compact, alliance + legs.

amour - love, affection + armour.

holos (gr) - whole, all, entire + polis (gr) - city + Holopolis (gr) - Whole-City + phoenix burned at Heliopolis.

parkland - an area of grassland scattered with occasional clumps of trees + Phoenix Park + FSTD: As stage to set by ritual rote for the grimm tale the four hyacinths, the deef old carp and the buglers' dozen of league-in-armour or how Holispolis went to Parkland

Sammy - a ninny, simpleton; In British use: an American soldier in the war of 1914-18, so called from the name 'Uncle Sam'.

sonny - a familiar term of address to a boy or to a man younger than the speaker

sissy - a sister

mop - the name in some districts for the annual fair or gathering at which servants are hired

varlet - a man or lad acting as an attendant or servant = valet the chambre

shambles - the place where animals are killed for meat; a slaughter-house + FSTD: with mabby and sammy and sonny and sissy and mop's varlet de shambles and all

peep - an imitation or representation of the feeble shrill sound made by young birds, mice, etc; a look or glance as through a narrow aperture or from concealment; a surreptitious, furtive, or peering glance.

pipe - to blow or play on a pipe

skirl - the high shrill sound of a bagpipe + FSTD: to find himself the right place for it at by peep a skirt or pipe a skirl 

Hund (ger) - dog + Ondt + FSTD: when the hunt called a check on the grand sloper

chivvy - to harry, harass, trouble, worry + The Ballad of Chevy Chase - The ballad tell the story of a large hunting party ("chase") in the Cheviot Hills, hence 'the chevy chase'. The chase is led by Percy, the English Earl of Northumberland. The Scottish Earl Douglas had forbidden this hunt, and interprets it as an invasion of Scotland. In response he attacks, causing a bloody battle which only 110 people survived.   

sloper - an inhabitant of the Pacific slope of the United States + Gracehoper.

wandering - travelling (or carried) along in an uncertain, or frequently changing direction

wasteland - land (esp. that which is surrounded by developed land) not used or unfit for cultivation or building and allowed to run wild + vasteland (Dutch) - mainland (as opposed to island).

neu (ger) - new + Ziel (ger) - goal + New Zealand

bully - capital, first-rate, 'crack' + clubber - one who wields a club, a clubman + Balaclava (Crimea) + How Buckley shot the Russian General (motif).

burgherly - of, belonging to, or characteristic of a burgher (a citizen) + FSTD: while and that lightning lovemaker's thender apeal and till, between wandering weather and Ballyclever burgherly shut the shutth the rush in general. / (Maori warcry here)

propel - to drive forward or onward; to impart an onward motion to; to cause to move  onwards + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.2: (from a Maori 'haka') '(Let us prepare ourselves for the fray)' + REFERENCE

fray - a disturbance, esp. one caused by fighting; a noisy quarrel, a brawl; a fight, skirmish

be ready + ons bereiden (Dutch) - prepare ourselves, prepare us + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.4: (from a Maori 'haka') 'We are ready'.

A well-known Polynesian 'haka' begins with: "Ko Niu Tiireni, e ngunguru..." - "It is New Zealand, rumbling here" 

alala - a shout used by the ancient Greeks in joining battle; a (Greek) battle-cry + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.13: (from a Maori 'haka') 'A... haha'.

Wellington - capital of New Zealand + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.6: (from a Maori 'haka') 'The New Zealand storm is about to break'.

Sturm (ger) - storm

break - to burst forth, rush out with sudden violence (of natural phenomena, as a storm, light, etc)

Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand

wax - to increase in size, quantity, volume, intensity, etc.

Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, line I.10: (from a Maori 'haka') 'The New Zealand storm waxes fiercer' + That voice [Hitler's] from its "reicherout as superstation" (FW 533.32) shouts, yells, wheedles, gloats, and waxes mawkish here and - with the obvious play on fuehrer, "fuercilier" - there. Like all the other programs - one announcing a horse race, another a sermon, another a radio drama, and so on - it fades in and out of the pub radio's reception throughout this long chapter, blending with its neighbors on the radio frequency band and with the pub's talk. (John Gordon: Joyce's Hitler).

whack - a heavy resounding blow; also the sound of this + Wakawaka - an extinct Indigenous Australian language.

Russian + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, lines II.3-4: (from a Maori 'haka') '... The strength of England is known throughout the world'.

general + generans (l) - begetting, procreating.;                   

weeny - very small, tiny + Masters: With the All Blacks, 160, lines II.9-12: (from a Maori 'haka') '... Let us see what England can do...'.

Buckley + bhuachaillin (wukhelin) (geal) - little boy.

Paid (pad) (geal) - diminutive of Padraig: Pat

Roosky = Russki - Russian + po russki (Russian) - in Russian.

Hibernian - of or belonging to Ireland; Irish + Arabian nights - fabulous stories + Sir Samuel Ferguson: Hibernian Nights' Entertainment.

entertainer - one who or that which furnishes amusement; one who gives a public 'entertainment' + Unterthan (ger) - subject, vassal.

sint (Dutch) - saint + FSTD: Paud the roosky, weren't they all of them then each in a different way of saying at the one in the same time hirebnian knight that was having half for the love of the bliss it sint barbaras another doesend end once tale of a tublin wished on to him

Blessed Saint Barbara (patroness of armorers, gunsmiths, gunners, thunderstorms) + ut sint barbari (l) - that they may be barbarians, let them be barbarians.

thousand and one + dozen and one.

eleven o’clock + colomba (it) - dove + Saint Columba.

hell's own

raving - wild or delirious talk or declamation; pl. An utterance of this kind, a fit of madness.

Tutty - Tutankhamen (described in his funeral bark which was intended to carry him across the arch of the sky to the Elysian Fields)

aimée (fr) - beloved (feminine)

stand for - to uphold, defend (a cause, etc.); to represent, be in the place of, take the place of, do duty for

archduke -  the chief duke: formerly title of the rulers of Austrasia, Lorraine, Brabant, and Austria, being assumed by those of Austria in 1359; now titular dignity of sons of the Emperor of Austria + Artus dux (l) - original of King Arthur + Arthur, Duke of Wellington.

figger - a little boy put in a window to hand out goods to the diver + figure (in the nude).

fall from grace - fig. esp. with reference to descent from high estate, or from moral elevation

madly - in a mad, insane or foolish manner + Grace O Malley.

Phil the Fluter's Ball - Percy French song: Phil was hard up but gave a ball and was gay + FSTD: It was before when Aimee stood for Arthurduke for the figger in profane and fell from grace so medley for Phil the fluter fellows. (They were saying)

lang (ger) - long + the long and the short of it.

obelisk - a tapering shaft or column of stone, square or rectangular in section, and usually monolithic and finished with a pyramidal apex; a type of monument specifically characteristic of ancient Egypt.

odalisque - a female slave or concubine in an Eastern harem, esp. in the seraglio of the Sultan of Turkey

make (Dublin Slang) - halfpenny + on the make - intent on profit or advancement; also, intent on winning someone's affections; seeking sexual pleasure; improving, advancing, getting better. 

jacques = jakes (obs.) - a privy

spendthrift - one who spends money profusely or wastefully + spindrift - spray blown along surface of sea + FSTD: And it was the long lang is the shirt in the green of the wood where obelisk rose rises when odalisks fall between major threft on the make and jollyjacques sprindhrift on the merry.

Mathurin - patron of fools + mathurin (French Slang) - sailor + J.C. Mangan: 'Maturin, Maturin, what a strange hat you're in'.

topheavy - disproportionately heavy at the top; having the upper part so heavy as to overbalance the lower; hence, unstable and inclined to topple + FSTD: (O Mr. Mathurin, they were saying, what a tophat topheavy hat you've you're in!

piou-piou (fr) - soldier + FSTD: And there aramy meud, they were saying, they's so pioupious!)