thatch - fig. Covering; often humorously the hair of the head + that
whitehat - one who wears a white hat + Moore and Burgess Minstrels used the catch-phrase 'take off that white hat!'
bespeak - to speak of, tell of
luncheon - originally, a slight repast taken between two of the ordinary meal-times, esp. between breakfast and mid-day dinner
Baile Dubhghaill (bolye dugil) (gael) - Black-Foreigners' (i.e., Danes) Town, N.E. Dublin suburb; anglic. Baldoyle + Ulysses.12.510: 'drunk as a boiled owl'.
steeplechase - a horse-race across country or on a made course with artificial fences, water-jumps, and other obstacles. Formerly, a race having a church steeple in view as goal, in which all intervening obstacles had to be cleared + FSTD: Take off thatch whitehat (Kersse come in back off the Boildawl Bojldawl races.)
Conan - one of the Fianna, Finn's army + Arthur Conan Doyle [.16] + dangling his overcoat over his shoulder.
topgallant - square-rigged sail or sails immediately above the topsail or topsails; fig. Lofty, grand, fine, topping.
so was! (ger) - imagine that!, well I never! + so as
lao (Chinese) - old, senior + yü (Chinese) - compared with, together with + shao (Chinese) - junior.
novice - an inexperienced person; a beginner, tyro + looks more like an officer in the Navy.
tick - to mark (a name, an item in a list, etc.) with a tick; to mark off with a tick, as noted, passed, or done with
scum - Applied to persons: The offscourings of humanity; the lowest class of the population of a place or country + son of a bitch.
botch - a tailor who does repairs + FSTD: Tuck Tick off that whitehot whiltehot, you scum of a botch,
huan chang (Chinese) - return at a later stage
The Inner City of Peking contains Hwang Cheng, known as the "Imperial City" or "Forbidden City" + Wen Chang or Wen Ti - Mrs Christiani says, Chinese god of literature.
hulabaloo - tumultuous noise or clamour; uproar; clamorous confusion. Also fig.
example + FSTD: (of Kersse who had been mocking a his hollabulloon a sample of the costume of the country.)
The Custom of the Country - play by Fletcher and Massinger; the custom in question is the 'droit de seigneur' [017.21]
tape - to measure with a tape-line
oaf - a half-wit, fool, dolt, booby
saw - a saying; discourse, speech
sew - to do needlework
Welsher - a Welshman + welsher - bookmaker at race meeting who escapes or refuses to pay when he loses (i.e. tailor was not paid).
suck - the action or an act of sucking milk from the breast; the milk or other fluid sucked at one time
thick - a beverage of thick or heavy consistency, as cocoa, porter, etc. + this, that and the other.
stock - the liquor made by boiling meat (with or without vegetables, etc.) and used as a foundation for soup + FSTD: Tape oaf that saw foull and sew wrong, you suck of a thickstock thick stock and the udder, and confiteor youself
confiteor - a form of prayer, or confession of sins (Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti, I confess to Almighty God, etc.) used in the Latin Church at the beginning of the mass, in the sacrament of penance, and on other occasions.
for because - for the reason that, inasmuch as, since (obs.)
cutter - to whisper; to talk privately and confidentially
misfeatured - having bad features + Futter (ger) - fodder; lining, sheath + Futt (ger, slang) - vagina + misvatten (Dutch) - to misunderstand, to fail to seize.
klok (Norwegian) - wise
wise (Archaic) - way, manner + because.
hung (Chinese) - red + hoang tseu (Chinese French Romanisation) - inn sign, shop sign; son of the Emperor.
nose - fig. To find out, detect, discover, as if by means of a keen scent + bitch's bastard such a suit of clothes the way his own father wouldn't know him + FSTD: (bekerrse he had cuttered up for that poor old bridge's masthard slouch a shook of cloakses the wise his own fitther couldn't nose him).
coate = cote (obs.) - a small detached house + coat, coast
green + Do Ye Ken John Peel? (song): 'Do ye ken John Peel with his coat so gray... With his hounds and his horn in the morning'.
pawn - to give or deposit as security for the payment of a sum of money or for the performance of some action
haik - Arab outer garment + kai-kon (Burmese) - a hurdle.
how do you do? - common phrase used in inquiring as to a person's health + "How are you today, my dark sir?" (motif)
dail (Irish) - assembly + Baldoyle racecourse.
dark horse - someone who emerges to prominence, being previously little known
gentry - what is characteristic of a gentleman; polish of manners, good breeding
search me - I do not know! I havent any idea! + serge - a woollen fabric, the nature of which has probably differed considerably at different periods; search.
terzi (Turkish) = terziya (Bulgarian) - tailor + terse - elegantly concise, free of superfluous words, polished to smoothness (as, "terse language").
jersey - a woollen knitted close-fitting tunic, with short or long sleeves
terssi (Finnish) - third (musical)
stand - to assume or maintain an erect attitude on one's feet + (told them).
course - succession (of events); progress onward or through successive stages
blazy - full of blaze, blazing + bloody
raze - to sweep away, efface, or destroy (a building, town, etc.) completely; a slash, cut, slit + race
occured + Curragh racecourse.
lambkin - a little lamb, young lamb
sliving - a slash; the action of cutting + sliver - ribbon of wool ready for drawing + from sheep (lambskin) to tailor's board.
Phoenix Park + start to finish.
tossed + Tasse (ger) - cup.
tartly - in a tart manner, sourly or bitterly; with acidity
sass - to speak impertinently + sass (ger) - sat + Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn 21: 'laughed at him and sassed him'.
tig - a touch: usually a light but significant touch; a fit of bad temper
strop - a band, thong; a loop or noose of leather, etc.
lasher - one who beats or whips
kya (Burmese) - tiger + as long as there's a tail on a cat.
pyre - a pile or heap of combustible material, esp. wood; usually, a funeral pile for burning a dead body
Judges 6:38: 'and it was so' (Gideon)
behold - the imperative of the preceding verb, used to call attention; = lo + Judges 6:37: 'Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor' (Gideon).
capman - a cap-maker + captain knew nothing.
horses + horch (ger) - listen + Horus and Set.
feller - fellow; one who fells + two feller he feller go where (Beche-la-Mar) - where are they going.
a fact
tit for tat - one blow or stroke in return for another; an equivalent given in return (usually in the way of injury, rarely of benefit); retaliation
newcomer - one who has newly come to a place
knockingshop - a brothel (a house of ill fame, bawdy-house)
toper - a hard drinker; a drunkard + once upon a time.
admittance - the action of admitting, letting in, or giving entrance; permission to enter; Electr. The reciprocal of impedance, measured in mhos.
impedance - Electr. The overall opposition to an electric current, arising from the combined effect of resistance R and reactance X and measured by the ratio of the e.m.f. to the resulting current (peak or r.m.s. values).
true + FSTD: Isn't that effect? asked the three newconners at the ones upon a topers who, as three as they were there, they had been maltreating malttreating themselves to their health's contempt.
malt - malt liquor. Now usu. = malt whisky + treat - to entertain with (food or drink, or any enjoyment or gratification).
tit for tat (phrase) + FSTD: That's fig for fag,
methinks - it seems to me
mho - the unit of conductivity, being the conductivity of a body whose resistance is one ohm + mha (Czech) - fog.
dielectric - a substance or medium through or across which electric force acts without conduction; a non-conductor
obsoletion - state of being which occurs when an object, service or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order + FSTD: confessed those who were upon the point of obsoletion,
pillary - of the nature of a pillar
Nelson Horatio, Viscount (1758-1805) - English naval hero. In Dublin, Nelson's Pillar (blown up in 1966) was where trams start and where "The Parable of the Plums" takes place. To Joyce, the phallic pillar is an emblem of black and humorous hypocrisy - a pillar for the British adulterer, quicklime for Ireland's uncrowned king, Parnell.
statute - an enactment, containing one or more legislative provisions, made by the legislature of a country at one time, and expressed in a formal document + statues
king Billy + konge (Norwegian) - king + STATUE OF WILLIAM III - The equestrian statue erected in College Green 1 July 1701 was long a symbol of the Protestant Ascendancy, a point of contention between the Orange faction, for whom it was a rallying point, and Irish nationalists; Before it was finally blown up in 1929, and removed, it was frequently covered with tar and grease, defaced, or partially blown up; Generations of Dubliners commented on the fact that the statue faced the Castle, turning its back on TCD.
milestone - a pillar set up on a highway or other road or course to mark the miles + mille (l) - a mile + 'overgrown milestone' - Wellington Monument.
Oliver Cromwell
liberate - to set free, set at liberty + libera nos Domine (l) - free us, O Lord + libita (l) - the things that please, pleasure, humor.
Daniell('s) battery or cell - a cell in which the cathode is zinc in either dilute sulphuric acid or a solution of zinc sulphate and the anode is copper in a saturated solution of copper sulphate, with the zinc sulphate solution either floating on top of the copper sulphate solution or separated from it by a porous plate + Domhnall (donel) (gael) - World-mighty (masc. personal name) + Daniel O'Connell (known as 'The Liberator') has a statue in Dublin.
culp - guilt, sin, fault, blame + culpa (l) - sin, fault + so help me God + FSTD: and so culp me goose, he said, the bugganeering wanderducken,
cook one's goose - to ruin someone, upset someone's plans. For example: ''He thinks he'll get away with stealing my idea, but I'm going to cook his goose''.
emancipated - set free, released: fig. Freed from prejudices, moral or customary restraints, conventional rules, etc. Daniel O'Connell was known as 'The Great Emancipator'.
First Cause - the original cause or Creator of the Universe + course - A race. arch.; each of the successive parts or divisions of a meal (in this case, drink).
recourse - to recur to the mind; to go back to an earlier point + ricorso (Italian) - recurring (Vico).
choler - anger, heat of temper, wrath; bile (as one of the 'four humours' of early physiology, supposed to cause irascibility of temper)
cough - the affection of coughing at short intervals + 'Collars and Cuffs' - nickname of Duke of Clarence and Avondale [214.29]
Beau Brummel - nickname of George Bryan Brummell, a 19th century fashion setter and dandy