beadroll - a catalogue of persons, for the rest of whose souls a certain number of prayers are to be said or counted off on the beads of a chaplet; hence, a catalogue in general + Joyce's note: 'Shem listens to hear his own mistakes'. 

backslapping - slapping the back

gladhander - one who gives people the glad hand; one who acts cordially towards everybody + *V*.

DRAFT SIX: As if that three could solve, singly or together, the twohornheaded dulcarnon, handed round aurally since Euclid's patent, that stumped Alex among anders and drove him to pilfer turnips. But, my hat, and beadroll of saints thereonto, what a worldall's woe of weariness is theirs, waiting to hear their own proper mistakes. For how many duitsch guilders would one post now, the Fuminian road or Shanks' mare, to the pillar? For one hundred? For one hundred's thousand? Why for? And for what will all such a taradiddle serve them in an after reeraw life with oils and tins cheerful but guildeds glum? If a gas consumer, habituated to marble mantels, buys any number of scrupules of apples every other frosty Friday during a whole lean year at the weight of too many sesterces a pound overthepoise, taking abbaco as seven point seven and letting foundling of bulrushes stand for any woman, what a grand total of sentinels in reindeer pelts and aided by a spick span of homeless cattle, fed upon Trinidad's shell cocoa and miring in sheets and sheets of showers will it take to paper a trench even so mucky longer than a cobbler's bulk is broad?

dulcarnon - a dilemma, a nonplus; a person in a dilemma, one 'halting between two opinions' (the word is derived from the Arabic for 'two-horned'; also an epithet for Alexander the Great, in the Koran, sura "The Cave") + Joyce's notes: 'dulcarnon = 2 horned' + '47th prop of Euclid or Alexander's 2 horn heads'.

pulver (l) - dust, powder + pilfer - to make off with belongings of others + prefers.

turnip - the fleshy, globular or spheroidal root of a biennial cruciferous plant, Brassica Rapa; In slang phrases, sometimes with pun on turn-up.

palpitation - the beating of the heart; esp. a violent and rapid pulsation resulting from exercise, strong emotion, etc.

CASTLE HOWARD - Turreted house on the heights above East bank of the Avonmore River, at the Meeting of the Waters, County Wicklow + (notebook 1924): 'pulpit = coward's castle'. 


baptize - to immerse in water, or pour or sprinkle water upon, as a means of ceremonial purification, or in token of initiation into a religious society, especially into the Christian Church; to give a name to, name, denominate.

maiden name + hoyden - ill-bred girl.

florid - highly ornate; of blooming appearance; strikingly beautiful or attractive + *C*.

singing - that makes or gives out a sound of a musical character + stinking - As an intensifier: 'offensively', in stinking drunk, rich + 'singing likeness'  (notebook 1924) [JAJ, of JSJ? singing motif].

DRAFT SIX: But, trifid tongue, others woo will and work for, he being wise for them, because of his cleverism, till his very foes' heads are turned, and, dove without gall, that backslapping gladhander and his singing likeness who lives more in florid future than in the past of bloody altars [Sulks and ____] le petit qui ne veut pas manger sa soupe et at and [Smiles and Smidges] le petit qui trie sa langue quand on lui dit de le faire with her, the twillick of a brace of boylets, whose mind's a jilldaw's nest (seeks sit as nurse or widow firm dress improvers, [armslength waistband, good milker, would take the pledge, write P. 10 to lorette commercials] ) since she tears up bethrottle letters she ne'er posed a pen upon when bother her goldfashioned's in such a queer of a mood that she simply can't stand it, a couple and an odd one they strive and in earnest of kidlambs.

dirge - to utter a dirge; a song sung at the burial of, or in commemoration of, the dead, a song of mourning or lament.

of bloody altars (notebook 1924)

gale - singing, a song; merriment, mirth + Gaedheal (gel) (gael) - Irishman, Scotsman.

gall - bitterness of spirit (supposed to have its seat in the gall); assurance, impudence (orig. U.S. slang.) + gall (goul) (gael) - foreigner + Dubhghall [dove... gall] (dugoul) (gael) - Black-foreigner, i.e., Dane + doves said to have no gall as Noah's burst its gall from grief [.F03]

jackdaw - common black-and-gray Eurasian bird noted for thievery + Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme) + The Jackdaw's Nest (song) + (notebook 1924): 'Kathleen's mind a jackdaw's nest'.

old-fashioned brother

raving mad - furious, angry

readymade - in a finished state, immediately ready for use; now spec. of articles which are offered for sale in this state, in contrast to others of the same kind which are made to order + Maid Marian - Robin Hood's sweetheart.

smash - to move rapidly with shattering effect; to dash or smite violently + When Johnny Comes Marching Home (song).

litirin (lit'irin) (gael) - little letter + -een (Anglo-Irish) - (diminutive) + Lucia Joyce, Joyce's daughter, drew a set of lettrines (ornamental capital letters), which were used to illustrate some of Joyce's works + Joyce's note: 'Is tears up letters'.

appose - to put or apply one thing to another

omnitude - the fact of being all, 'allness', universality; 'the all', the whole, the total sum

nutshell - the hard exterior covering within which the kernel of a nut is enclosed; With in: In a few words, in a brief or condensed statement + schedel (Dutch) - skull.

increscent - the moon in her increment, represented as a crescent with the horns towards the dexter side

Sung - the name of a dynasty which ruled in China from 960 to 1279 + Thomas Moore: song: She Sung of Love [air: The Munster Man].

Hecaba (l) = Hekabe (gr) - wife of Priam (king of Troy at its fall): destined as Penelope's slave, she changed to a dog through rage + William Shakespeare: Hamlet II.2.542: 'What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba'.

ough - an exclamation expressing disgust; an imitation of certain sounds + Auch, auch, brav' Kindli (ger) - that too, good little child + William Shakespeare: Macbeth V.5.23: 'Out, out, brief candle!'

brieve - a writ or precept issued from Chancery in the Sovereign's name, directing trial to be made of certain points specified

parley - to speak, talk + parlez-vous? (fr) - do you speak?


Ida - Gertrude Stein's short sketch, composed in 1937, published as a novel in 1940. Ida is a girl of dual personality who has a twin self, Ida-Ida + Ida (gr) - mountain in Crete where Zeus was reared by a she-goat, Amaltheia. 

mongrel - the offspring of two different breeds of dog. Chiefly, and now only, a dog of no definable breed, resulting from various crossings + every cock will crow upon his own dunghill (phrase) - everyone is confident and at ease on their home ground + (evening chorus of barking dogs).

infra - denoting 'below', 'beneath' in respect of status or condition

liminal - of or pertaining to the threshold or initial stage of a process; spec. in Psychol. Of or pertaining to a 'limen' or 'threshold' (the limit below which a given stimulus ceases to be perceptible).

intelligence - knowledge as to events, communicated by or obtained from another; information, news

offrand - the presenting of something to God (or to a deity or object of worship) as an act of worship or devotion

DRAFT SIX: It is turned of seven with eight chimes all tolled. Dogs' vespers (dodge the gobbet from cor to occur, cheat your choker and chew the cud) are at end. Yet wind will be ere fruminy time and the saying of fadervor be come and asterisks congealed behind the curtain during office hours answer the most devouted of us until it gets bright and all cocks waken. Flying too are the evenbirds. And, for one superstationer at least, the hearse of the kine shall pass at last before the two birds, titlark morningales, outbreak in dawn song. What a terrible piece of business surely for such as keep his peace and follow his war, that old king of the chiefline in his sevencoloured sundaysuit sundaykilts of fall wear, must be killed off bumped off most basely as the chaldee rite has it [and sent the way of his fathers as were he not their monarch at all but simpler vintner of vendibles, food gatherer but no more, for all his four gorges,] withsamt his [slapmother] banshee dam a woman of show [if even a lady and obviously a respectable one and a horrible hen, [Annmette of her little name,] ] and embalmed in honey for dynastic continuity, rivers breaking forth for joy at his funeral!

vespers - the sixth of the Canonical Hours of the breviary, said or celebrated towards evening

anend - to the end, right through; straight on, constantly + unending + (at an end).

vespertilian - bat-like + vespertilio (l) - a bat + vespertiliabitur (l) - he will be made into a bat (O Hehir, Brendan; Dillon, John M. / A classical lexicon for Finnegans wake)

good shepherd + goat/sheep.

gabbard = gabbart - a sailing vessel for inland navigation; a sailing barge, lighter + gabhar (gour) (gael) - goat.

cloke = cloak

Zum Bock! (ger) - The devil! (lit. to the goat)

chèvre (fr) - goat, she-goat

wind will be (notebook 1924)

Fadervor (Danish) - Pater Noster

upholsterer - a dealer in small wares or second-hand articles (of clothing, furniture, etc.); Used spec. with reference to the making and selling of beds and bedding

cradle + Apostles' Creed

capritious = capricious - guided by whim or fancy rather than by judgement or settled purpose + capritius (l) - one having to do with goats, a goatish person.

apple-pie bed

aegis - a protection, or impregnable defence. Now freq. in senses 'auspices, control, etc.', esp. in phr. under the aegis (of) + aegis (l) = aigis (gr) - goatskin: the skin shield of Zeus, lent by him to Athena; later, with snake-fringe and Medusa's head, an emblem of power and terror.

frumen (l) - gruel or porridge used in sacrifices

burgoo - oatmeal porridge eaten by sailors

dandy - fine, splendid, first-rate + Sing a Song of Sixpence (nursery rhyme): 'dainty dish'.

leck - to 'make water' (vulgar.) + leck- (ger) - to lick; to leak + Burns: The Ranting Dog, the Daddy O't (song).

gippo (Slang) - greasy gravy + gypo (Dublin Slang) - semen + Give us good ale (song).

hushmoney - money paid to prevent disclosure or exposure, or to hush up a crime or discreditable transaction + Gandhi, Mohandas (1869-1948) - Hindu leader, assassinated.

Diana - an ancient Italian female divinity, the moon-goddess, patroness of virginity and hunting

Ulysses.13.707: 'she could almost feel him draw her face to his and the first quick hot touch of his handsome lips'.

aught - to any extent, in any degree, in any respect, 'anything,' at all

flou (fr) - hazy + through.

duskness = dusk


peepee - an act of urination + pipistrello (it) - bat.

Brennan on the Moor - outlaw hero of Irish ballad, betrayed by a woman, hung

on the move - in process of moving from one place to another + moor - to secure one's ship (etc.) in a particular place; to anchor.

yat (Ulster Pronunciation) - yet

strang = strong + to be going strong - to be vigorous, thriving, or prosperous + Johnnie Walker whiskey slogan: 'still going strong'.

noctule - the largest British species of bat (Vesperugo noctula); the great bat

fluffy - consisting of or resembling fluff; of soft, downy texture + fluffy (Slang) - tipsy.

large - to enlarge, increase, widen (obs.)

gloomy - dark, shaded, obscure

wheelhouse - a structure enclosing a large wheel, e.g. a water-wheel; spec. a house or superstructure containing the steering-wheel

liss - tranquillity, peace, joy, delight; a circular enclosure having an earthen wall; often used as a fort + Alice-in-Wonderland + lis (Pan-Slavonic) - fox.

lumber - to heap or place together as lumber, without order or method

hoodie - the Hooded or Royston Crow, Corvus Cornix

horseman - one who rides on horseback, a rider


keep my peace follow - war [dash dittoes 'my'] (notebook 1924)

Sunday suit (Joyce's note) [277.01]