charmeuse - a soft smooth silk fabric, having a satin-like surface

shoes + Chloe (gr) - "Green corn": girl mentioned by Horace in Odes III. 9.

Glykera (gr) - "Sweet": girl mentioned by Horace in three odes + Ulysses.14.1156: 'Glycera or Chloe' (girls in Horace's Odes) + glittering jewels.

ladylike + Lydia (gr) - country in Asia Minor; girl mentioned by Horace in Odes III. 9.

perfumed - impregnated with sweet odour, scented

cigarette - a small cigar made of a little finely-cut tobacco rolled up in thin paper + Cynara - girl mentioned by Horace in his Ode to Venus (Odes IV. 1).

lemonade - a drink made of lemon-juice and water, sweetened with sugar + Verrimst: Rondes et Chansons Populaires 155: Histoire Merveilleuse de Dame Tartine: 'Le grand prince Limonade' (French song The Marvellous Story of Lady Bread-and-Butter: 'the great prince Lemonade') + la monade (fr) - the monad, ultimate unit of being.

graciously - with kindness, friendliness, or gracious condescension

page - a youth employed as the personal attendant of a person of rank

bugle - to sound a bugle; to make a sound like a bugle

coco - the white flesh of the coconut, which may be eaten raw or used grated or dried as an ingredient in cooking

toddle - to walk or run with short unsteady steps, as a child just beginning to walk

stitchwork - work produced by stitching + Stichwort (ger) - cue, keyword, slogan, catch-word.

headiness - rashness, precipitancy; unruliness, obstinacy + highness

luis (Bog Latin) - arm, hand + handsome is as handsome does (proverb) - How one acts is more important than how one looks. For example, 'He may be homely, but he's the kindest man I've ever met--handsome is as handsome does'.

lissome - supple, limber; lithesome; lithe and agile

CantalamessaItalian family name (from Italian canta alla messa: sing at the Mass) + Children’s game: ('arch' game) How many miles to Babylon: 'Will I be there by Candlemass?' + Candlemas Day - 2 February (Joyce's birthday).

mayhap - perhaps

St Tib's Eve is never. It is a corruption of St Ubes, and there is none in the calendar (Glasheen, Adaline / Third census of Finnegans wake). 

Nionon (Bog Latin) - heaven

fomor - in Irish legend, one of a race of pirates or giants, perhaps originally representing the gods of death and darkness + father + Children’s game: ('circle' game) Farmer's den: 'The farmer's in his den, The farmer's in his den, He I Hedy Ho, The farmer's in his den' + farmor (Danish) - paternal grandmother.

mormor (Danish) - maternal grandmother.

hin - him (direct objective) + hin und her (ger) - hither and thither + hin (Irish Pronunciation) - hen.

Parthalon (paralon) (gael) - leader of legendary colonization + parolone (it) - big words, bombastic speech + Paar (German) = paar (Dutch) - pair.

adin - to din; to deafen, stun with noise

'the single month (Yule)' (Joyce's note)

Weib (ger) - woman, wife + Fru (ger, dial.) - woman, wife + fru (Danish) - Mrs. + frøken (Danish) - unmarried woman + T.S. Eliot: Prufrock + wives' frocks full of fun [079.19]

tir lin tin tin (notebook 1931)

'The Holly and the Ivy, Now they are both in bloom, Of all the trees that are in the wood The holly bears the crown' (song) + jolly and the lively.

billy - fellow, comrade, mate; brother

coo - jackdaw; the sound uttered by doves and pigeons + bill and coo - i.e. to kiss or caress and murmur endearments.

crispness - the state or quality of being crisp + Christmas Night + FDV: The jolly and the lively, thou billy with thee coo, for to jog a jig on a crispness night and sing a missal too.

missal - a Roman Catholic book of prayers, esp. when illuminated + Wassail Song: 'sing a wassail too' + mistletoe.

hip - an exclamation used (usually repeated thrice) to introduce a united cheer + Whip Jamboree (a Somerset folk song): 'Whip jamboree, whip jamboree, O you long-tailed black man, poke it up behind me, / Whip jamboree, whip jamboree, O, Jenny, get your oat-cake done'.

black man - a funeral furnisher, an undertaker

polk - to dance the polka + FDV: Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, poke it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphip, champouree!

Jessie - a cowardly or effeminate man; a male homosexual + Jesse - father of David; also a genealogical tree, tracing the descent of Christ from "the root of Jesse." (jesen is Serbian "autumn") + Polly Put the Kettle On (song): 'Jessie, pass the plumcake round'.  

push (someone) around - to move or cause (someone) to be moved roughly from place to place + FDV: And, jessies, push putsh the pumkik round, Annaliuia!

FDV: Since the days of Roamaloose and Rehmoose the pavanos have been stridend through their Struts struts of Chapelidiseut, the vaulsies have meed and youdled through the purly ooze of Ballybough, many a mismy cloudy has tripped tauntily along that Hercourt hercourt strayed reelwey and Thyme, the chef of seasoners, has made his usual astewte use of endajustibles the rigadoons have held ragtimed revels on the plateauplainof Grangegorman;

Romulus - the founder of Rome

pavan - a grave and stately dance, in which the dancers were elaborately dressed + pavo, pavus (l) - peacock.

strident - making a harsh, grating or creaking noise; loud and harsh + striding.

strut - a manner of walking with stiff steps and head erect, affecting dignity or superiority + streets.

Chapelizod + (West) 4 cardinal points [.20-.24]

valses (fr) - waltz dances

meed - to reward, recompense. In bad sense, to bribe; to deserve, merit (nonce-use)

youdle = yodel - to sing or warble with interchange of the ordinary and falsetto voice, in the manner of Swiss and Tyrolese mountaineers + met and yodelled + me and you.

ooze - the act or fact of oozing; exudation, gentle flow + purlieu - term used of the outlying parts of a place or district. It was a term of the old Forest law, and meant, "a certain territory of ground adjoining unto the forest [which] was once forest-land and afterwards disafforested by the perambulations made for the severing of the new forests from the old."  

BALLYBOUGH - Road, bridge over Tolka River, North-East Dublin, and name of surrounding area between Summerhill and Fairview. Vitriol works at Ballybough Bridge were operated by the Dublin and Wicklow Manure Co, Ltd. Baile bocht, Ir. "poortown."  

Miss McCloud's Reel (song) James Joyce, Dubliners: 'Clay': 'Mrs. Donnelly played Miss McCloud's Reel'.

daintily - elegantly, gracefully, neatly, deftly + FDV: many a mismy cloudy has tripped tauntily along that Hercourt hercourt strayed reelwey

strayed - that has gone astray

railway + Miss McCloud's Reel (song) + Harcourt Street Railway Station, Dublin (its tracks lead Southwards).

rigadoon - a lively and somewhat complicated dance for two persons, formerly in vogue

ragtime - a musical rhythm characterized by a syncopated melodic line and regularly-accented accompaniment, evolved among American Negro musicians in the 1890s; hence, music (esp. for the banjo and piano) of this character, the immediate precursor of jazz.

revel - an occasion or course of merry-making or noisy festivity, with dancing, games, masking, acting, or other forms of lively entertainment

GRANGEGORMAN - Townland and former village in North-West Dublin, including North-East part of Phoenix Park.

FDV: and though since then sterlings and guineas have been replaced by brooks and lions and some progress has been made on stilths and the races have come and gone and Thyme, the that chef of seasoners, has made his usual astewte use of endadjustables and whatnot willbe isnor was those danceadeils and cancanzanies have come stimmering down for our begayment through the deafdom bedeafdom of pa's po's teapucs greats, the obecity of pa's teapucs, as lithe as limb free limber as when momie played at ma.

sterling - the English silver penny of the Norman and subsequent dynasties. Often in pound of sterlings, originally a pound weight of silver pennies, afterwards a name for the English pound (240 pence) as a money of account + In an interview with John Joyce, printed by Maria Jolas in A Joyce Yearbook, we read: "I won the election in Dublin and I was the man that put in Maurice Brooks and Lyons, and put out Arthur Guiness (sic) as he was then, the sitting member, and of course Sterling, who was going up with Guiness (sic) never got in."

guinea - an English gold coin, not coined since 1813, first struck in 1663 with the nominal value of 20s., but from 1717 until its disappearance circulating as legal tender at the rate of 21s + Joyce's father was secretary of United Liberal Club in Dublin during 1880 general election; the Liberal candidates, Maurice Brookes and Dr Robert Dyer Lyons, ousted the Conservatives, Sir Arthur E. Guinness and James Stirling (mentioned in Ellmann: James Joyce 16-17).

lion - a gold coin current in Scotland down to the reign of James VI

thyme - a plant of the genus Thymus, comprising shrubby herbs with fragrant aromatic leaves, found chiefly in the Mediterranean region

chef - the man who presides over the kitchen of a large household; a head cook

seasoner - something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts + seasoner (Slang) - person in the fashion.

astute - of keen penetration or discernment, esp. in regard to one's own interests + (stew made with left-overs).

adjustable - capable of being adjusted + indigestibles.

whatnot - anything whatever; everything; 'anything and everything'; 'all sorts of things'; a thing or person that may be variously named or described (rare.)

willbe - a person or thing that will be but is not yet; one whose career or efficiency belongs to the future

deil - The Devil; a mischievously wicked or troublesome fellow + daffodils.

cancan - a kind of dance made popular at the public balls in Paris, with extravagant and indecent gestures + zany - a comic performer attending on a clown, acrobat, or mountebank, who imitates his master's acts in a ludicrously awkward way + canzoni (it) - songs.

stimmer - to move about irregularly + Stimme (ger) - voice + simmering - cooking in a boiling liquid.

beguilement - an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations

bedeaf - to deafen + deaf and dumb + deaf/blind,

Po (ger) - buttocks + po (Slang) - chamberpot + posterns + FDV: through the deafdom bedeafdom of pa's po's teapucs greats, the obecity of pa's teapucs,

obcaecate - blinded; blind + obcaecitas (l) - blindness (about something) + obesity + opacity.


lithe - gracefully slender; moving and bending with ease

limber - capable of moving or bending freely

momos (gr) - blame, disgrace + mammy

mum - to make an inarticulate sound with closed lips, indicating inability to speak + FDV: as lithe as limb free limber as when momie played at ma.

ma - a childish and colloquial shortening of mamma

FDV: Such Just so stylled are their petals are each of all has a stalk unto herself love and all of all of their understamens is as open as she he can posably feel it she and turned tournasoled straightout or sidewaist according to the courses of things [feminite] towooerds him, their lord & stigmatiser, that they may catchcup in those these chalicettes calyzettes the those parryshoots from his one muscalone pistil, (O my goodness goodmiss! O my gracious graceness greatness! O my pricelestly preshoes!) as while dewyfally as dumbelles they allisten to his elixir. 

styll - obs. form of style + styled - Of a person's hair: professionally arranged, cut, or set + stilus, stylus (l) - pen, literary stile.

natte (fr) - plait (a contexture of three or more interlaced strands of hair, ribbon, straw, or any cord-like substance; esp. a braided tress of hair) + natte (Danish) - night + Carl Böhm: song Still wie die Nacht (part of John McCormack's repertoire).

flowerhead - an inflorescence consisting of a close cluster of sessile florets + flower head - a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower.

stamen - Bot. The male or fertilizing organ of a flowering plant, consisting of two parts, the anther, which is a double-celled sac containing the pollen, and the filament, a slender footstalk supporting the anther + understatement - a statement that is restrained in ironic contrast to what might have been said.

turnsole - a plant of which the flowers or leaves turn so as to follow the sun; a heliotrope + tournesol (fr) - heliotrope, sunflower.

straight cut - cut on straight lines + FDV: as open as she he can posably feel it she and turned tournasoled straightout or sidewaist

sidewise - in an indirect manner, indirectly; directed towards one side, sideward

coursette - corset + courses