The four conspecta are figures on the sides of the spinning teetotum, itself a figure of FW: 

Matthew: An alderman carrying a pot on a pole. A turleyhide whale. HCE
Mark: A poor old woman. A crone of immense fecundity. ALP 
Luke: A redhaired maid. The Deserted Village. Isolde
John: Twins, the pen and the sword. Shaun&Shem = Tristan

We observe traces of this pattern in 111.3. Matthew is the leader, the most fatherly element (476.04, 25; 477.20). In the reflection of the 1.2 Cad story (519.26-520.21) he is 'Father MacGregor' and 'Father Mathew' (comprehending the Irish temperance advocate), while Mark becomes 'Mrs Lyons', to whom some rain was promised and who was once in a 'confusional'. On 526.30-31, Isod is a 'Tarpeyan cousin, Vesta Tully, making faces at her bachspilled likeness in the brook'. Links between John and Tristan are less distinct, but we might note, as did Nathan Halper, the befit name 'Duggelduggel' at 368.33-4.

A further use of the intersiglal correspondence is encountered at 219.10-12, where the four treasures of the Tuatha De Danann appear as X, 'their Elderships the Oldens from the four coroners of Findrias, Murias, Gorias and Falias, Messoirs the Coarbs, Clive Souls, Galorius Kettle, Pobiedo Lancey and Pierre Dusort'. The passage may be initially clarified from Whitley Stokes's translation of The Second Battle of Moytura:

1. The Tuatha De Danann were in the northern isles of the world, learning lore and magic and druidism and wizardry and cunning, until they surpassed all the sages of the arts of heathendom. 
2. There were four cities in which they were learning lore and science and diabolic arts, to wit Falias and Gorias, Murias and Findias. 
3. Out of Falias was brought the Stone of Fal, which was in Tara. It used to roar under every king that would take (the realm of) Ireland. 
4. Out of Gorias was brought the Spear that Lugh had. No battle was ever won against it or him who held it in his hand.
5. Out of Findias was brought the Sword of Nuada. When it was drawn from its deadly sheath, no one ever escaped from it, and it was irresistible.
6. Out of Murias was brought the Dagdae's cauldron. No company ever went from it unthankful. 

Keating explains that the Tuatha De Danann came originally from Greece, that their four cities were in Norway and that they spent seven years in Scotland on their way thence to Ireland. The treasures are listed in two of Joyce's notebooks: 

VI.B. 11.94: 

N        Solid      Falias         Midyir [?]      Stone of Destiny 
S        fire         Gorias        Nuada           Spear of Victry [sic] 
E        cloud      Findias       Ogma            Sword of Light 
W       water      Murias       Dagda           Pot of Plenty 


1) Sword of Light   Ogma,                       Findias cloudy,         E 
2) Nuad,                 Spear of Victory,       Gorias flam              S 
3) Dagda,               Cauldron of Plenty,    Murias water,           W 


4) Midyin,              Stone of Destiny,       Falias earth,             N  

McHugh, Roland / The sigla of Finnegans wake