leaky - giving passage to water or other fluid through a hole or fissure.

sneaker - a soft-soled, noiseless slipper or shoe [(notebook 1930): 'sneakers (white shoes)'].

track record - the total number of a person's successes esp. in his work or job + Sturk - occupant of LeFanu's House by the Churchyard, he is attacked in Butcherswood in the Phoenix Park. Sturk is "resurrected" by Black Dillon + tearc (t'ark) (gael) - scant + Joyce's note: 'with a bad record -'.

gammellax (Norwegian) = gammel lax (Danish) - old salmon + (notebook 1924): 'Let us call him Otto Chorzel (spy)'. 

post - to place, station, stop; Mil. and Naval. To appoint to a post or command + (notebook 1922-23): 'posted at Lloyd's as missing' Irish Times 9 Jan 1923, 4/5: 'Toll of the Sea': 'In the year 1922 twenty-one ships have been posted at Lloyds as "missing" and a ship "missing" at Lloyds seldom reappers'.

Mallon, John - superintendent of Dublin police at the time of the Phoenix Park assassinations + FDV: There was a case of the kind implicating man named Lyons [who was posted at Mallon's and] who years afterward dropped dead whilst waiting for a chop in Hawkins street.

instance - urgent or earnest solicitation, instigation, request

Joyce's note: 'Vigilance Cie Watch & Ward'

(notebook 1923): 'Vigilance Committee'

ibid - in the same place

commend - extol + commander of the faithful - a title of the caliphs.

sultan - the sovereign or chief ruler of a Muslim country + sulth (sulh) (gael) - sensual pleasure + shulkhan (Hebrew) - table, table spread with food.

sate - satisfy

trop - - turn, change + drop dead - to die very suddenly + (notebook 1922-23): 'whilst waiting for chop he dropped dead'.

fiat (l) - let there be, so be it

alicubi (l) - somewhere, anywhere, wherever

charge hand - a workman who is in charge of a particular piece of work + Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard (set in Chapelizod).

roche - any of various rocks + Father Roach - a parish priest in Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's "The House by the Churchyard" + Roche, Sir Boyle (1743-1807) - Irish M.P., noted for his bulls, e.g., "It is impossible I could have been in two places at once, unless I was a bird." 

lowe - flame, blaze, to glow; laugh; lie + Oliver Lowe - a magistrate in Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's "The House by the Churchyard" + Thom's Directory of Ireland/Dublin (1903), 1923: 'J. Lowe. Chief Inspector, Detective Department'.

gob - mouth, sailor + Ibsen + God

nark - informer; to watch, look after + marketplace

defile - pollute, debase + Psalms 68:12: 'Kings of armies did flee apace: and she that tarried at home divided the spoil' + tarry - to remain or stay temporarily, as in a place.

cabful - as much or as many as cab will hold + cupful

bash - a good time, entertainment

The Encyclopædia Britannica vol. XII, 'Greek Literature', 507d: 'Homer himself is called "son of Meles" - the stream which flowed through old Smyrna' + omer (Hebrew) - measure of capacity.

slander - the utterance or dissemination of false statements or reports concerning a person, or malicious misrepresentation of his actions, in order to defame or injure him.

flat - clear and unmistakable, exact

southron - southerner, Englishman, a native of the southern states of the U.S. [Joyce's note: 'Southron'].

homogenous - congruous, befitting + Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of The Gaiety Theatre 34: 'it is only necessary to mention Edward Terry and "Sweet Lavender" to conjure up remembrances of a delightful experience of that - as "Jeames" would say - most "homogeneous" actor'.

grave - highly serious, formidable

impropriety - unbecomingness, unseemliness, indecency; morally improper conduct.

woodward - an english forest officer charged with guarding a wood

regarder - an officer who inspects royal forests and ascertain trespasses of the law + Woodwards and Regarders were forest officers who saw no hurt was done to vert or venison. 

shomer - guardian, watchman

chin - to talk idly, chatter

chinchin - to talk casually, trivial talk

ungentlemanly + on- (Dutch) - un- + (notebook 1922-23): 'behaved in a gentlemanly manner'.

immodest - improper, indelicate, indecent, lewd, unchaste + modus (l) - manner.

dainty - of delicate or tender beauty or grace, delicately pretty

maidservant - a female servant

swelth - a swelling; a whirlpool

rushy - made of or resembling rushes, abounding in rushes; quick, hurried, in a rush.

hollow - a hollow or concave formation or place, which has been dug out, or has the form of having so been + (notebook 1922-23): 'the rushy hollow'.

whither - where

pinner - a woman's cap

(notebook 1922-23): 'Nature sends me to do so (piss) W'

eventide - evening

testimony - personal or documentary evidence or attestation in support of a fact or statement; hence, any form of evidence or proof.

first offender - one who has committed a first offence, and obtains the conditional remission of punishment provided by the 'First Offenders' Act' of 1888. (...Keepers are punished for this by a fine for the first offence; and for the second by stripes).

vert and venison - the green vegetation and the deer in a forest or wood + vert - green vegetation growing in a wood or forest and capable of serving as cover for deer.

venison - any beast of chase or other wild animal killed by hunting, esp. one of the deer kind.

incautious - unwary

attenuate - to weaken or reduce in force, effect, or amount; to become slender, thinner, or weaker.

gad (Archaic) - (of plants) to straggle, to spread + gad (Pan-Slavonic) - snake.

hwere (Middle English) - where

sokeman - a man under the jurisdiction of another, a tenant holding land in socage.

bride (obs) - marry

Saint Martin's summer - Indian summer when occuring in november

Jesse - father of David; also a genealogical tree, tracing the descent of Christ from "the root of Jesse." (jesen is Slavonic "autumn"). 

SHARON - The fertile plain of Palestine between Joppa and Mount Carmel. The "Rose of Sharon" of Song of Solomon 2:1 has been identified with various flowers, such as the crocus and narcissus + Song of Solomon 2:1: 'I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys'. 

toman - a hillock, a mound of earth; a Persian gold coin

led (Volapük) - red

lol (Volapük) - rose

zesüd (Volapük) - necessity

kadem (Volapük) - academy

Jespersen: An International Language 34 (of Volapük): 'the stem itself must always begin and end with a consonant. Accordingly Academy becomes kadem. R is avoided: fire is fil, and red led. As s is the sign of the plural, no word may end in s: rose is made into lol. As ne is the negative, such a word as necessity is clipped of its initial syllable, and becomes zesüd. Not even proper names get off scott-free: Italy is Täl and England Nelij (j is pronounced sh). Europe is Yulop, and the other continents... are made into Melop, Silop, Fikop and Talop respectively'.

Fikop (Volapük) - Africa

Nelly, Fresh - Dublin whore + Nelij (Volapük) - England.

mundo novo (Portuguese) - new world + el mundo (sp) - the world.

flen (Volapük) - friend

Lilith (Hebrew lilatu, "night") - Semitic female demon, haunting wildernesses in storms, inimical to children and pregnant women. She was Adam's first, ungovernable wife, Cain's mother, the Devil's mate + song 'Lillibullero, bullen a law' (The song's title and the words of the refrain have been interpreted as a garbled version of the Irish words Lile ba léir é, ba linn an lá: "Lilly was clear and ours was the day").

Saint Paul allows the breaking of marriage bonds between believing and unbelieving husband and wife if the Christian is thereby prevented from practising his or her Christianity (I Corinthians 7:15).

maler = males - pl. of male

abush - to ambush

keep back - to restrain, retard; to conceal

erstwhile - former + FDV: Guiltless he was clearly for so once at least he clearely with a brave outlander's burr declared himself to be & we know that it is true. They tell the story that one fine spring one whistling happy-go-gusty -blowy April morning some years after the alleged misdemeanour whisst whitst crossing swinging (billowing) across the fair expanse of the park in the billowy rubberised inverness he met a cad with a pipe. The latter accosted him to ask if he could say what it was o'clock that the clock struck, had he any idea. Earwicker realising [as a on fundamental principles] the supreme importance of physical life & being unwishful to be plugged by a leaden the sap's bullet sending him to eternity halting drew quick on the draw produced his enamelled shrapnel hunter Waterbury [from his gun pocket] and hearing [above the skirling of old sharp Mother East] old Fox Goodman working the tenor bell in the speckled church, and told the cad it was punctually twelve to the minute adding however that the accusation against him had been made as was well known by a creature in human form who was several degrees lower than a snake. In support of his words the honest flaxen goliath ____ tapped his chronometer and ____ pointed a Berlin gauntlet to the dukes overgrown milestone as he said solemly: credit me sir my friend. [I have won [straight]. Hence my nationwide business.] I am prepared to stand take my stand on upon the monument any hygienic day at this hour and to declare before upon the open bible before the Great Taskmaster's eye & in the presence of the deity my immediate neighbour and my fellows [in every corner on this globe in general] & to every each living soul acquainted with the British tongue that there is not one tittle of truth in that purest of fabrications.

burr - anything that appears to stick in the throat or that produces a choking sensation, accumulation of phlegm, huskiness; 'a lump in the throat'.