cache-cache (fr) - hide and seek
novo (l) - new
Dublin + Nil (French, Serbian) - Nile (i.e. source of) + James Joyce: Letters II.192: letter 13/11/06 to Stanislaus Joyce: (of Joyce's Dubliners 'Clay') 'The meaning of Dublin by Lamplight Laundry? That is the name of the laundry at Ballsbridge, of which the story treats. It is run by a society of Protestant spinsters, widows, and childless women - I expect - as a Magdalen's home. The phrase Dublin by Lamplight means that Dublin by lamplight is a wicked place full of wicked and lost women whom a kindly committee gathers together for the good work of washing my dirty shirts. I like the phrase because 'it is a gentle way of putting it'' (Maria works there).
lamplight - the light afforded by a lamp or lamps + swamp - bog, marsh + FDV: to play catch clash cash cash in old nilbud new by swamplight nor a'toole a'tall a'tall and noddy hint to the convaynience.
tall - account; shape, fashion + Reduplication is an alleged trait of Hiberno-English strongly associated with stage-Irish (to be sure, to be sure). It is virtually never used in reality: 'ar bith' corresponds to English "at all", so the stronger 'ar chor ar bith' gives rise to the form "at all at all" ("I've no money at all at all"). House by the Churchyard: "'That poor fellow got no chance for his life at all, at all!' said Tim."
→ Reduplication is an alleged trait of Hiberno-English strongly associated with stage-Irish and Hollywood films (to be sure, to be sure). It is virtually never used in reality: ar bith corresponds to English "at all", so the stronger ar chor ar bith gives rise to the form "at all at all" ("I've no money at all at all.")
toll - a definite payment exacted by a king, ruler, or lord, or by the state or the local authority, by virtue of sovereignty or lordship, or in return for protection
noddy - foolish, silly; drowsy, sleepy + nod - to make a quick inclination of the head, esp. in salutation, assent, or command; to let the head fall forward with a quick, short, involuntary motion when drowsy or asleep.
convaynience (Anglo-Irish Pronunciation) = convenience - the state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty + conveyance.
dig in - to work hard, to penetrate
dig out - to take out by excavation, to excavate + day in and day out - every day for an indefinite number of successive days.
tilth - cultivation of the soil + by the skin of one's teeth - with a very little time, space, etc. left over.
crew - the men who man a ship + sweat of one's brow - hard work, violent or strenuous exertion; labour, toil + Genesis 3:19: 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread'.
auspice - any divine or prophetic token; esp. indication of a happy future; prosperous lead, patronage, favouring direction + The Irish Sisters of Charity opened a hospital for 'incurables' in Cork in 1870 and a hospice for the dying in Dublin in 1879.
urn - to enclose in or as if in an urn, entomb + earned
dread - extreme fear; deep awe or reverence + bread + SDV: He sweated his crowd crew in beneath the auspice for the living and he urned his dead and he made louse for us & delivered us to boll weevils amain and begad he did in his windower's house till his with a blush mantle upon him from earsend to earsend.
volant - having
the wings extended as if in flight, flying + dragon-volant - the old name for a
gun of large calibre used in the French navy (literally 'flying dragon').
louse - a parasitic insect, infesting the human hair and
skin and causing great irritation by its presence + love + laws + Lucifer. boll weevil - a beetle
measuring an average length of six millimeters, which feeds on cotton buds and
flowers. Thought to be native to Central America, it migrated into the United
States from Mexico in the late 19th century and had infested all U.S.
cotton-growing areas by the 1920s, devastating the industry and the people
working in the American south. During the late 20th century it became a serious
pest in South America as well + amain - with
all one's might, at full speed, suddenly + amen.
Humphrey Chimpden
begad - a mild oath
Finnegan’s Wake (song):
'Bedad he revives, see how he rises'.
- distinguished, worshipable, entitled to honour blue mantle - the
dress and the title of one of the four pursuivants of the English college of
arms + blush - a rosy colour or glow +
SDV: blush mantle
earth's end + year's end (December) +
blushing from ear to ear (phrase).
grassie -
red backed parrot + TDV:
And would again could
whispning grassies wake him. fiery - burning,
- to divide into parts or sections
sooth - truth whine - a low somewhat
shrill protracted cry, usually expressive of pain or distress +
bedding -
a supply of bed-clothes for one bed
whoop - a cry of 'whoop!',
or a shout or call resembling this; spec. as used in hunting, esp. at the death
of the game
deading -
deadening (to become dead, to die) + deading is a = dead in Giza + Henrik Ibsen:
When We Dead Awaken.
usquebaugh - whiskey
(literally 'water of life') + usque ad mortem (l) - even unto death.
anam (Irish)
- soul + TDV:
Anam a dhoul!
Did ye drink me dead? muck
- the dung of cattle
+ muc (Irish)
- pig + Anam muic an diabhail (onum mwik un d'oul) (gael)
- Soul of the devil's pig.
dhoul - Irish "devil" +
thanam o'n dhoul
(Anglo-Irish) - your souls to the devil! (from Irish t'anam
o'n diabhl). deoch an dorais (Irish) - parting drink (literally 'drink of the door')
+ Finnegan's Wake
(song): 'Then Micky Maloney raised his head / When a noggin of whiskey flew at him,
/ It
missed and falling on the bed, / The liquor scattered over Tim; / Bedad he revives,
see how he rises / And Timothy rising from the bed, / Says "Whirl your liquor round
like blazes, / Thanam o'n dhoul, do ye think I'm dead?"' (originally, Poole: Tim
Finigan's Wake (song): 'Mickey Mulvaney raised his head, / When a gallon of whiskey flew
at him; / It missed him, and, hopping on the bed, / The liquor scattered over Tim!
Bedad, he revives! see how he raises! / And Timothy, jumping from the bed, / Cries,
while he lathered around like blazes, / "Bad luck till yer sowls! d'ye think I'm
dead?"'). doornail
- a large headed nail for nailing doors + dead as a doornail - completely dead
TDV (third draft version):
Now be aisy, good Mr Finnimore, sir! And take
your laysure and don't be walking abroad, sir.
Sure, you'd only lose yourself the way the roads are [that]
winding now and wet your feet, maybe. You're better off, sir, where you
have all you want and we'll be bringing you presents, won't we? Honey is the
holiest thing ever was [(mind you keep pot!)] or some goat's milk,
sir? The menhere's always talking of you. The grand old Gunne, they do be
saying, that was a planter for you! He's duddandgunne now but peace to his great
limbs with the long rest of him! aisy (Anglo-Irish
Pronunciation) - easy
Fionn Mor (fin mor) (gael)
- Great Fionn ("Fair")
laysure (Anglo-Irish
Pronunciation) = leisure - time which
one can spend as one pleases, free or unoccupied time. abroad
- out of one's house or abode out in the open air, out of the home country; in
or into foreign lands
Heliopolis - Greek name
of Annu "(Place of) Pillars", anciet city in lower Egypt. Heliopolis has been
occupied since the Predynastic Period, with extensive building campaigns during
the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Today it is mostly destroyed; its temples and other
buildings were used for the construction of medieval Cairo. Beneath a maze of
busy narrow streets of a middle and lower-class district, lie vast hidden
remains of ancient Heliopolis about fifteen to twenty metres down. Atum was
worshipped in the site's primary temple, which was known by the names Per-Aat,
"Great House" and Per-Atum, "the House of Atum". Another temple in Heliopolis
was the "Mansion of the Benben", also known as the "Mansion of the Phoenix",
which is believed to have been a sacred precinct in which in the middle of an
open courtyard, stood a stone pillar, on top of which sat the "benben stone". It
was seen as the solidified seed of Atum, the Stone of Creation, a magical stone,
and some have concluded that it was of meteoric origin, "shining" in the sky,
but when fallen on earth, black. Giza and Heliopolis were connected by the
"Sacred Roads of the Gods". Heliopolis is 22.4 kilometres (13.9 miles)
from Great Pyramid of Giza. Kapilavastu (Sanskrit)
- the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, later Shakyamuni Buddha; located in
what is now Nepal + capall a mhaistir (Irish) - his master's horse.
or Golgotha -
the proper name (the Bible glosses it as
"place of the skull") of the place where Christ was crucified
umbrian -
rel. to Ital. province Umbria +
umbra (l)
- shadow + Northumberland Road, Dublin.
- District and Road, North Dublin.
Dublin lies on the East side of Guinness's Brewery, between Thomas Street and Barrack
Bridge. It is Luke Tarpey's residence + sráid (Irish)
- street.
BOHERMORE - The name is from
Bothar Mor, Ir. "Great Road." There were 5 "great roads" built in Ireland in the 2nd
century, but none was uniquely called the Bothar Mor.
foggy - misty; marshy,
boggy + The Foggy Dew (song).
- one hopelessly in debt; one who has lost all his means, and is without
resources + Buddha met an old man, a sick man, and a corpse outside his palace
and thus learned of age, sickness, and death.
Cotterick = Cothraige
- this was the Old Irish form of Patrick, folk-etymologized into mog cethrair
or "servant of four masters" (*X*)
+ "Old Cotter, puffing away on his pipe (a detail repeated four times in little
more than a page of text), spitting "rudely into the grate," and fixing the boy
with "his little beady black eyes," talks appropriately of "faints and worms".
In an interesting bit of wordplay, Old Cotter becomes the "old cutter"
responsible for having Osiris hacked to pieces... "The Sisters" of Joyce's
story, Nannie and Eliza [reenacting the roles of Isis and Nephthys], do not
carry water in cracked jugs from the Nile (nor from the Liffey for that matter),
but they do carry associations of libations and lamentation. As Eliza discusses
the "beautiful corpse" of their deceased brother [Osiris], Nannie presses sherry
and cream crackers on the guest mourners in a ritualistic presentation." (Susan
Swartzlander: James Joyce's "The Sisters")
clakety clank - sharp successive often metalic and ringing
noises + Kantaka -
Buddha's horse + Katachanka
- Mohammed's horse.
impure - unclean
mean - poor in quality,
inferior; to complain, to lament for (a dead person)
Nugent, Gerald (16th
century Gaelic poet): Ode Written on Leaving Ireland: 'From thee, sweet
Delvin, must I part; / Oh! hard the task - oh! lot severe, / To flee from all my
soul holds dear' (Drummond's translation from Cabinet of Irish Literature, 1897,
p.8). Dublin + (life). tanglesome
- tangled, confused
lush - soft,
enfranchisable -
that admits of being enfranchised (to make (lands) freehold under feudal law)
+ infranchissable (French)
- impassable + en franchise (fr) - duty free.
better off - in better
primesign - to mark (a
person) with the sign of the cross before baptism, to make a catechumen +
The Irish and Welsh custom of the
“wake” is little known but was still practiced at the end of the last century.
In Wales, the coffin was placed open, standing at the place of honor of the
house. The dead man would be dressed in his finest suit and top hat. His family
would invite all of his friends, who honoured the departed all the more the
longer they danced and the deeper they drank to his health. It is the death of
an other, but in such instances, the death of the other is always the image of
one’s own death. blood
eagle - a method of Viking ritual execution, in which the ribs are opened, and
the lungs pulled out and arranged to resemble wings.
Osiris buried sycomore grove
(notebook 1930) → Budge:
The Book of
the Dead (pamphlet) 16: 'By some means or other Set did contrive to kill
Osiris... Isis, accompanied by her sister Nephthys... rescued the body of her
lord... They then laid the body in a tomb, and a sycamore tree grew round it and
flourished over the grave' + There is an account of how Khufu mentions that an
old sycamore tree that grew near the Sphinx was damaged "when the Lord of Heaven
descended upon the Place of Hor-em-Akhet", the latter translated as "the place
of the Falcon God (Horus) of the Horizon", identified with the Sphinx. This tree
was linked to Atum and in Heliopolis there was a chapel to "Atum of the sycamore
tree". keld
- spring, fountain + cold
Island, 7 miles off North coast of County Donegal; ancient haunt of pirates, esp.
"Balor of the Baleful Eye," who had one eye whose glance could kill. The
island was noted for its various clays, used for heat-resistant pottery. There are no rats on Tory
Island; they were driven out by St Columcille. Mainlanders still use earth from the
island against infestation of rats.
varmint -
animals obnoxious to a man (lice, mice, owls, etc.)
pouch - a bag, sack, or
receptacle of small or moderate size, used for various purposes, esp. for
carrying small articles; a small bag in which money is carried, a purse
bricket - a smal brick (a
brick shaped block of any substance e.g. of tea) +
briquet (fr) - lighter; short sword.
- handkerchief
pyre - a funeral pile for
burning a dead body
Lonan - a chieftain converted by Saint Patrick + Homer & Brian Boru
& Napoleon.
Nebuchadrezzar -
the second and greatest king of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylonia (reigned c.
605-c. 561 BC). He was known for his military might, the splendour of his
capital, Babylon, and his important part in Jewish history +
Groves of Blarney (song): 'But were I Homer, or Nebuchadnezzar'.
Guinness + Genghis
ombre - shaded + ombre (it) - shadows, ghosts, shades
+ Ombre, English corruption of the Spanish word Hombre, arising from the
muting of the H in Spanish, is a fast-moving seventeenth-century trick-taking
card game with an illustrious history which began in Spain around the end of the
16th Century as a four person game. It is one of the earliest card games known
in Europe and by far the most classic game of its type, directly ancestral to
Euchre, Boston and Solo Whist. As with most games, Hombre
acquired many variations of increasing complexity over the years, being its
popularity eclipsed by the second quarter of the 18th century by a new four
player French variant called Quadrille, later displaced by the English
Whist. Other lines of descent and hybridization produced games like
Preference, Mediator and Twenty-five. Ombre is a three-handed
game, and l'Hombre, or the man, refers to the single player who plays against
his two opponents.
rake - to level or
smooth with a rake ("rake gravel")